BEAST (비스트) atau B2ST adalah sebuah boy band Korea Selatan di bawah naungan Cube Entertainment. Grup ini pada awalnya dinamakan B2ST, singkatan untuk Boys to Search for Top, namun diganti menjadi BEAST (Boys of the EAst Standing Tall) beberapa hari sebelum debut. Mereka keluar dengan album mini sulung Beast Is The B2ST pada 14 Oktober 2009. BEAST terdiri dari enam anggota yakni Doo Joon, Hyun Seung, Jun Hyung, Yo Seob, Gi Kwang, dan Dong Woon. Mereka berada di bawah agensi Cube Entertainment.
BEAST mulai meraih popularitas setelah menandatangani kontrak dengan Universal Music Grup sehingga bisa melakukan promo internasional. Pada 23 Januari 2010, bersama 4Minute mereka melakukan promosi di Taiwan. BEAST meraih penghargaan sebagai Best Newcomer Award pada Seoul Music Awards ke-19 pada 3 Februari 2010 bersama T-Ara dan After School.
BEAST melakukan debut di Jepang dengan merilis album studio pertama dan menggelar tur fan meeting Asia mereka yang pertama semenjak 27 Februari 2011.

Real Name: Yoon Doo Joon (윤두준)
Nickname: 3 sec sharing
Date of birth: July 4, 1989
Height/Weight: 180 cm/67 kg
Position: Leader, Vocalist, Lead Rapper
Date of birth: July 4, 1989
Height/Weight: 180 cm/67 kg
Position: Leader, Vocalist, Lead Rapper
Blood Type: A
Specialty: Vocal/Rap/Soccer
Education: Kyung Hee Cyber University
Education: Kyung Hee Cyber University
Hobbies: Listening to hip hop & R&B, soccer, and playing games.
Misc Info: He was first appeared on Mnet's Hot Blood documentary as one of the candidates for JYPE group One Day. Currently he is one of the rappers for AJ?s Wiping the Tears.

Real Name: Jang Hyun Seung (장현승)
Former Stage Name: So-1
Former Stage Name: So-1
Date of birth: September 3, 1989
Nickname: Rancho
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer
Education: Anshan Information Industry High School
Specialty: beat box
Height/Weight: 176cm/58kg
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Web surfing and bowling.
Misc Info: He was eliminated from YG group Big Bang in the ninth episode of their documentary

Nickname: Rancho
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer
Education: Anshan Information Industry High School
Specialty: beat box
Height/Weight: 176cm/58kg
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Web surfing and bowling.
Misc Info: He was eliminated from YG group Big Bang in the ninth episode of their documentary

Real Name: Yong Jun Hyung (용준형)
Stage Name under Xing: Poppin' Dragon
Date of birth: December 19, 1989
Nickname: yonggun
Position: Main Rapper
Education: Anyang Arts High School
Specialties: Dance
Height/Weight: 179cm/64kg
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: writing lyrics, watching movies, and dancing.
Misc Info: He was first debuted with group Xing and he rapped for AJ's Wiping the Tears.

Real Name: Yang Yo Seob (양요섭)
Date of birth: January 5, 1990
Nickname: 양요, endorphins, siksin
Position: Main Vocalist
Education: University of East Broadcasting Arts [absent for about 1 year]
Specialty: beat box, jalmeokgi
Height/Weight: 174cm/56kg
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Writing lyrics
Training: Trained under M-Boat
Specialty: Vocals
Misc Info: He was AJ's high school friend.

Real Name: Lee Gi Kwang (이기광)
Date of birth: March 30, 1990
Nickname: Ace Jr., Holly 2
Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Education: Seoul Absence of Comprehensive Art School
Specialties: dance
Hobbies: watching movies, sports, and dancing.
Birth place: Seoul
Blood Type: A
Height/Weight: 174 cm/58 kg
Trainee Years: 4 years under JYPE
Favorite Singers: Taeyang, Omarion, Usher
Misc Info: Originally debuted as solo artist. Will be changing his stage name soon.

Real Name: Son Dong Woon (손동운)
Date of birth: June 6, 1991
Nickname: Sonseuko, 16 D
Position: Vocalist, Rapper, Maknae
Education: High School hanyoung
Specialty: Piano and traditional chinese
Height/Weight: 181cm/64kg
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: lyrics writing and reading
Misc Info: Long-time JYPE trainee. Teased jokingly by fans for looking Thai, especially around 2PM's Nichkhun,who is said to look more Korean than Son Dong Woon.
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