Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Get Ready to Spice up your Boring Workout

Get Ready to Spice up your Boring Workout

Boredom will kill any workout routine. Who really wants to work out on the same machines doing the same reps every day? It gets to be so very boring, that you lose all motivation to work out in the first place. This is an indication that your body is craving for new and adventurous ways to workout.

Vary your fitness routine
By varying your workout routine you will be able to break the monotony and at the same time gain the advantage of working out different muscles.

This way you won't end up with a super big butt and great abs. You will be well toned all over. By varying your exercise routine you will be crashing through the fitness barriers that arise every so often.

You will be jumping over hurdles of fitness plateaus. When you have been working out for so long you suddenly stop losing weight. Even though you know you need to lose more weight, your body is not responding. That's why you need to vary your workout routine.

Your body is craving new and adventurous ways to work off that weight. Your muscles are all muscled out; they can't gain anything by doing the same exercises anymore. That's why you have to try something new.

Check out suggestions to spice up your training routine:
Get a bag. This one is my favorite. Bring a punching bag and installed it in a room . Once a week, beat the crap out of this thing until you can't raise my arms. This can be great for a cardio workout, your arms, and even your legs (you know, if you stick and move..).

Toss the medicine ball: The medicine ball has been used as an athletic training aid for decades in Europe, but only in recent years has the value of medicine ball training been recognised in the United States. Grab a medicine ball and lie on your back in a comfy spot near the TV. When you un-Tivo (playback) your favorite show, toss the medicine ball in the air and catch it each time something common happens.

Row away the calories: If you have a lake near by, rowing back and forth even in the smallest of lakes of a crazy workout. You will feel burn in your arms. If you're lucky, you'll give up on the shore as opposed to sitting in the middle of the lake where there is no wake to push you in. Rowing in the water beats the elliptical.
Workout in twosomes or groups: working out in twosomes or groups is instant motivation. If you "don't wanna", your peer or group will force you to go. The key is agreeing in the beginning that if force is needed, force will occur. I'd bet that you are not the only one in the group to come up with a lame excuse one morning!

Pole dancing: Here is an opportunity to embrace your inner sensuality, tone your muscles and gain a level of flexibility you thought was impossible. Contrary to the images you may have conjured up, pole dancing classes are attended by women in sweat pants who have little in common beyond, well, the fact that they are friendly women. This is a workout, most don't view it as anything but fun. At least not until they feel the muscle soreness the next day. The beginner class is taught from a basic level and each week builds on the lessons from the week before. At the end of the six- week class, the women have gained strength, confidence and camaraderie.

Do a cardio circuit: Instead of slaving away for hours on the same machine, try breaking it up into 10-minute intervals. Go from the treadmill to the elliptical, and then to the bike. Not only will your workout seem shorter since you won’t be performing the same movement continuously, but it will also help to prevent overtraining and work a wide variety of muscles.

Go play in the park: Remember when all you needed was a jump rope and a jungle gym and life was good? Sure some folks might look at you funny and you will definitely need to bend your knees more, but there is always some semi-deserted playground around, so go have some fun!

Dance your way to fitness: Dancing, experts say, burns calories, boosts energy, improves circulation and tones muscle--which leads to increased strength, endurance and flexibility. In fact, dancing can burn just as many calories as other, more "traditional" exercises, like brisk walking or downhill skiing. In addition, dancing relieves tension and stress, improves your mood and serves as an outlet for your creativity. Rumba helps to build strength and enhances flexibility. Jive is good for cardio activity. So one should practice everything, mix everything and take benefits from all types of dance.
If you actually DO workout consistently and eat right all the time, you’ll keep getting in better shape and that can actually be fun and exciting in it’s own way.
But if you are waiting for thrills and excitement every time you go to the gym or exercise,… I think it will be a long wait.

Tips to Avoid The 5 Most Common Teeth Problems

Tips to Avoid The 5 Most Common Teeth Problems

Do you feel you have bad mouth odor? Or are you worried about tooth decay? Do you experience gum bleeds when you brush your teeth? Feeling a sore ulcer coming on?
Here’s how you can avoid all these problems:
Oral cavity is the most noticeable part of a person and so everyone from a common man to a media personality is very conscious about it.

An attractive person is incomplete without their white, well- aligned teeth. Our little ignorance may lead to many dental diseases and teeth loss. Out of which ‘5’ dental problems are very common.

According to surveys and common questioning, there are 5 major and very common dental problems with which every next person from a house keeper to celebrity suffers and desperately wants to get rid of.

These problems are:
1: halitosis (bad breath)
2: tooth decay
3: mouth soreness
4: gum diseases
5: tooth sensitivity
Wait don’t panic, your little care can not only prevent all such problems but will also give you an everlasting young beautiful smile.
Let’s see how can you overcome these problems.

Bad breath (also known as halitosis or malodor) can be embarrassing and tough on those around you. According to a few people bad breath can ruin relationships, funny but true. There are simple easy ways to prevent and cure this condition.
• While brushing your teeth clean your tongue and hard palate as well with the same tooth brush but softly. There are many bacterial colonies on your tongue which is the major cause of halitosis. Also use same brush to brush your buccal (cheek) side. But brush them softly.
• Use mouth wash and floss afterwards.
• Eat certain foods that smell good – because they make your breath smell good, too. Take fruits high in vitamin C, for example. Melons, berries and citrus fruits such as oranges are packed with vitamin C.
• skip cigarettes

Tooth decay is the destruction of tooth structure and can affect both the enamel (the outer coating of the tooth) and the dentin layer of the tooth. We can prevent it by few simple ways.
• Brush your teeth at least twice a day
• Use fluoride-containing toothpaste.
• Clean between your teeth daily with dental floss or interdental cleaners.
• Eat nutritious food and avoid snacks and junks.
• Use disclosing agents to see if there is any accumulated plaque.
• Visit your dentist once in a month or once in two months at-least.

Oral lesions (mouth sores) make it painful to eat and talk. Most common oral lesions are fever blisters (cold sores) and canker sores, other types of oral lesions are leukoplakia, candidosis, hairy tongue, torus palatines and oral cancer. We can prevent oral soreness by simple measures.
• Stop smoking
• Avoid stressful situations
• Eat food carefully and slowly
• You can use a cool mouth wash.
• Avoid any trauma to the mouth
• Diet plays an important role, eat less spicy food and pack on a nutritious diet instead. Fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and cereals.
• Take good care of oral hygiene
• Avoid self medication
• Drink plenty of water
• Consult dentist/physician and use vitamin B complex and folic acid supplements, they help.
• Avoid eating hot, spicy food and carbonated drinks or beverages.

If you’re told that you suffer from periodontal (gum) disease then don’t panic because you're not alone. The adverse may be very bone and soft tissue damaging. You can prevent any intense condition by simple care.
• Quit one of the most important factors ‘smoking’.
• Brush your teeth twice a day
• Use an antiseptic mouthwash, one with anti-plaque.
• Fluoride treatment has helped to account for the decline in periodontal disease.

Tooth is one of the most commonly occurring problems in both children and adults. I am sure even you will have slight sensitivity in one of your teeth. You can prevent this pain causing problem which often gives you problem in eating. Once again your simple care and attention is needed.
• Use the salt water remedy
• Brush your teeth properly but SOFTLY.
• Adapt a hobby to reduce stress which leads you to grind your teeth.
• You can use numbing gel on an affected area.
• Visit your dentist once in a month or once in two months at-least.
Teeth is part of a human body which is once lost is lost forever. A beautiful person needs beautiful teeth. Prevention is better than cure, dental problems may occur but only when we don’t care much, so take care of that beautiful smile and keep on showing off your pearly whites.

Advanced breast cancer rising in young women

Advanced breast cancer rising in young women

Diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer in women younger than 40 has increased 2% a year, every year, from 1976 to 2009, according to a study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The increase was seen in women aged 25 to 39 of all races and ethnicities, living in both rural and urban areas in the United States.

It's a devastating diagnosis, particularly because a woman younger than 40 who is diagnosed with breast cancer is more likely to have an aggressive form of the disease and face lower survival rates.
But for perspective, the overall population of women who are affected still remains small.

"If you project these data out to the number of people in the U.S., there were about 250 cases per year ... in 1976 and that's now risen to 850 cases of breast cancer per year," said Dr. Rebecca Johnson, the study's lead author and medical director of the Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology program at Seattle Children's Hospital.
Those numbers, she says, refer to metastatic breast cancer in women younger than 40. The rise, she says, was "really concerning."

Johnson is a breast cancer survivor. She found a lump in her breast and was diagnosed with the disease when she was 27. It was not metastatic.

In previous research, she found that a woman younger than 40 had a 1 in 173 chance of developing breast cancer. For this study, she wanted to look specifically at advanced breast cancer within that same population.

"Along with my colleague, Dr. Archie Bleyer, a couple of years ago, we just wanted to ask the question, how common is this? Because once I was diagnosed, I had friends and friends of friends getting diagnosed and I didn't know if this was happening more or if I was hearing about it more," she says.

Johnson and her team used three U.S. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) databases of the National Cancer Institute to obtain data about breast cancer incidence from 1973 to 2009, 1992 to 2009, and 2000 to 2009. They chose 1976 as their starting year.

Not only did they find an increase in incidence of metastatic breast cancer in women younger than 40, the team also calculated that the average age of diagnosis was 34.3 years of age in women aged 25 to 39.

"From a cancer point of view, it is an important study because it suggests an early signal that there's a significant increase, a sustained increase over a prolonged period of time," said Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, who was not affiliated with the study.

"There's a suggestion this rate is accelerating and it could have a much greater impact so it's important we ... continue to monitor this, we try to understand what its influences are."

There is no solid explanation for what's driving the increased incidence, but Johnson and her team suggest there's likely more than one cause.
Yet neither she or Lichtenfeld believe the study's findings should change current screening guidelines for breast cancer.

"If there is an action item, at this time it's awareness: Breast cancer can happen (in younger women) and if it gets to be metastatic by the time it's diagnosed, that's a problem," said Johnson.

Yet while the rate of breast cancer incidence in young women has increased, Johnson and her team found that mortality rates over the last 30 years have been stable.

"It's great, except it's not great - the five-year survival rate used to be 15%, and now it's 30%. So that's something to be thankful for, but it's still very bad," she said.

"If women could be diagnosed earlier (before the cancer spreads), then each individual woman that that happens to stands to do a whole lot better, stands a better chance of living."
Lichtenfeld agreed. "This study reinforced the message, know your body better than anyone else does," he said.

"If there is a lump on the breast ... swelling in the breast, discharge from the nipple, redness in the skin of the breast, or unexplained pain in the breast, see your doctor."

Banana and Orange Mask

  • Banana and Orange Mask

    This Banana Orange Mask is great for Oily Skin. Bananas are loaded with soothing properties that help in reducing skin inflammation. Applying the pulp of banana on your face helps in making your skin supple and soft.

    It is known to be helpful in clearing acne as well. Applying banana on the face enhances the glow of your face. When combined with honey, bananas will give your skin a moisturizing effect as it keeps it hydrated and fresh, and prevents drying.

    Honey has natural antioxidant and anti-microbial properties. It helps to protect your skin from the damage of the sun's rays, supports the skin's ability to rejuvenate and refresh depleted skin, leaving your skin feeling silky soft and supple.

    One of the most common natural skin care benefits with honey is related to the treatment of minor acne. Honey absorbs impurities from the pores on the skin, making it an ideal cleansing agent.

    Honey also contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, and therefore is a wonderful beauty aid that nourishes the skin and the hair.

    Honey also acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent, and helps disinfect and speed the healing process in wounds, scrapes and burns.
    Who wouldnt want to try this mask out with all these benefits?

    Ingredients: 1 ripe banana 1 tablespoon honey 1 orange

    Preparation: 1. Mash the banana 2. Mix it with honey 3. Add a few drops of freshly squeezed orange 4. Make sure your face is washed make up is removed thoroughly before you apply the mask 5. Apply the mask evenly to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes 6. Rinse it off with warm water 7. Pat your face dry with a towel

    Eating Your Way to Healthy Hair

    Eating Your Way to Healthy Hair

    Bride or not, we all want to have beautiful and healthy hair! As all doctors and nutritionists say, 'you are what you eat.' And believe it or not, what you eat has everything to do with having healthy hair.
    Here are a few foods that will help you restore your hair's health in no time…

    Fish: Fish is high in omega-3s and vitamin D, especially salmon, which helps stop hair loss. Salmon is also a great source for iron, which is the main reason behind hair loss.

    Lean Meats and Red Meats: Chicken and red meat are a great source for protein and iron. Our hair is made out of protein called Keratin so it's important to have a proper amount of meat in your diet. Pumpkin

    Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are a great source of omega 3, omega 6 and zinc, which are all important for your hairs health. Nuts: Cashews, almonds, Brazilian nuts and pecans will make your hair thick and shiny! They have zinc and omega 3, and they make your scalp healthier.

    Leafy Greens and Vegetables: Vegetables and dark green leafs are a high source of Vitamins A and C which help moisturize your hair and give it shine.

    Eggs: Deficiency in B vitamins is a main reason behind hair loss. Eggs are rich in biotin and B12. Water: Water does not only keep your body hydrated, but also hydrates your hair.

    Beans: Kidney beans and lentils, along with many other kinds of beans, provide your hair with protein, iron, zinc and biotin. Beans also help with hair growth.

    Low-fat Dairy Products: Low-fat milk, yoghurt and cheese are great for your hair, as they are a great source of calcium.

    Seaweed: Iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, niacin, zinc, sodium and potassium are all nutrients found in seaweed, which has the ability to lessen grey hair and expel toxins from the body.

    Sophisticated Lips

    Sophisticated Lips

    Back in style, a full set of pouty lips is essential to any pulled together look giving you sophistication and class when done well. Throw on a pair of sunglasses and a floppy hat and you can rival even classic beauties like Audrey Hepburn.

    Because lipstick contains moisture-suckin
    g pigment drying out your pucker, cosmetics companies have now added moisturizers and even sun protection to lock in colour and protection.

    That doesn’t mean you don’t still need to moisturize your lips though. Take Olay’s ‘Total Effects 7X Serum’ for example. It soothes dry skin adding tone and texture while reducing any fine lines and wrinkles including the ones around your mouth so be sure to massage a little into the area around your mouth and lips everyday.

    Like any other art, applying lipstick takes times and practise. As with other make-up, the rule of thumb applies. Less is more. Of course, you want to look your best but you also don’t want to walk out your front door looking like a cast member of South Pacific.

    The clown line: There, I said it. We all know about the line. We see it on celebrities like Pamela Anderson, Haifa Wehbe and countless others but again, they are performers that aren’t portraying a classy or even sophisticated image and as tacky as it is, they can get away with it.

    Applying lipstick after drawing a crisp lip outline is an important key in the finishing touch since it helps to keep the colour from bleeding but it must be blended to be incorporated with the rest of your lips.

    Use a freshly sharpened lip pencil (lip liner) either in the same colour as the lipstick or slightly darker colour. Avoid colours that are more than one shade darker (or lighter).
    The beauty of lipstick is not only in the gorgeous colours but also in the way you apply them to make thin lips full, uneven lips even and so on.

    To balance the appearance of your lips while lining (before applying lipstick), first, divide the mouth into sections, and work on one section at a time until all the dotted lines are connected. And be aware that matte colours make lips look thinner while shimmery, glossy colours make your lips look fuller.

    Thin lips
    Use a lip liner to outline your lips just outside their natural edge, making the outline slightly wider on the top and bottom. Then brush on a layer of lip colour inside the outline. Spread on a layer of lip gloss on top of your lip colour.

    Full lips
    Apply foundation or concealer to the edges of your lips to blur the edge. Use a lip liner to outline your lips just inside the lip line, then brush on a layer of matte lip colour.

    Uneven lips
    Enlarge a thin top lip by outlining the upper lip just outside the edge using a lip liner, then outline the lower lip drawing the line on the on the natural edge. Brush on lip colour inside the line, applying more colour to the thinner half of the lip.

    Shapeless lips
    Outline upper lip with a lip liner to emphasize the 'v' in the middle. Draw the line just outside the lip edge of the bottom lip to make it look fuller. Brush on dark, matte lip colours for even more definition.

    Uneven toned lips
    Cover upper and lower lips with a little foundation. Outline lips with lip liner. Choose the lipstick colour, then begin applying lipstick by brushing a darker shade onto the lighter lip and a lighter shade onto the darker lip.

    Lastly, use a lip gloss to add extra shine after applying lipstick. It can be tinted or colorless and you can use it alone or over lipstick. Apply only to the centre of your lips since it tends to 'bleed' beyond the lip edges. Lip gloss is not recommended for use on mature skin as the extra shine can draw attention to the tiny lines around the mouth

    Alternate Remedies for Premature Grey Hair

    Alternate Remedies for Premature Grey Hair

    Grey hair is actually hair that has no pigment and is the result of the melanocytes — the cells that produce pigment — becoming damaged or dyeing.

    Presence of grey hair is a moment of defining getting older. Earlier a grey strand would get visible in late 30s or early 40s.

    But, according to a new study that’s been made exclusively available to Life & Style, almost a third (32 per cent) of British women under the age of 30 have already started to go grey, and two-thirds of them blame it on stress. From society’s perspective, a woman with grey hair has reached the end of her reproductive life.

    Premature greying of hair has led to the increasing use of hair colours and dyes. Some of these hair dyes used by millions of women contain chemicals linked to cancer, British scientists have warned. They say that both home hair colouring kits and the dyes used at expensive salons pose a potential risk to health.

    According to them, chemicals called secondary amines, which are either found in all permanent hair dyes or are formed in them, can penetrate the skin and stay on the hair for weeks, months or even years after the dye is applied.

    Over time, they could react with tobacco smoke and exhaust fumes, to form highly poisonous chemicals called N-nitrosamines, known to cause cancer.

    This has left women with limited options- embrace the grey or opt for alternate remedies. More young mothers, professionals, and even runway models are opting to "go gray," says Diana Jewell, author of Going Gray, Looking Great.

    "If you were young, vibrant, active, healthy pre-gray, you're still going to be that way. It's all in the attitude you bring to it," Jewell says. "If you think of it as merely another color choice, you won't be afraid of gray."

    Also, Sarah Harris a fashion feature writer for Vogue started to go grey when she was just 16. Now, aged 31, she’s adamant her silver locks are here to stay. ‘I’m proud of my silver hair — and it’s definitely silver, not grey, ’she says. ‘Grey sounds ageing.

    Silver is infinitely more glamorous — and besides, my hair is lighter and whiter than the ashen colour that “grey” suggests.’
    If you are looking for other options Check out the Tips for the Management & Prevention of premature greying of hair.

    • The foremost among these is the use of Indian Gooseberries or amla which is valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth & hair pigmentation. The fruit cut into pieces should be dried, preferably in shade. These pieces should be boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes like charred dust. The darkish oil is very useful in preventing greying.

    • The water in which dried amla pieces are soaked overnight is also nourishing to the hair. This water should be used for the last rinse while washing the hair. Massaging the scalp with a teaspoon of amla juice mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil or few drops of lime juice, every night has proved beneficial.

    • When curry leaves are boiled in coconut oil, the oil forms an excellent hair tonic to stimulate hair growth & bring back hair pigmentation.

    • Aloe Vera helps in healing the scalp, balances the ph level of the scalp and cleans the pores. A mixture of Aloe Vera gel with wheat germ oil and coconut milk promotes hair growth and hair color.

    • Jojoba oil being hypoallergenic promotes hair growth, hair coloring and regulates dandruff problems.

    • The butter made from cow's milk has the property to prevent premature greying of hair. This can be massaged into the hair roots twice a week.

    • Ribbed gourd or torai, boiled in coconut oil is another effective remedy to prevent premature greying of hair. Pieces of this vegetables should be dried in the shade.

    • These dried pieces should be soaked in coconut oil & kept aside for 3-4 days. The oil should be boiled till the solid is reduced to the blackened residue. This oil should be massaged into the scalp. It will help enrich the hair roots & restore pigment to the hair.

    • Application of Heena is another option who like the red tone in their hair.

    • Ingesting vitamin B12, iron, copper and iodine, all important nutrients, help prevent premature graying. Meat and dairy products contain rich sources of vitamin B12, making strict vegans vulnerable to deficiencies.

    • Eating a nutritious and balanced diet of dark leafy vegetables, cereals, dairy, red meat, chicken, seafood and whole grains can help maintain healthy hair and delay the greying process.

    • Protect the hair from external pollutants in order to prevent premature greying of hair. Cover the head with a head cap or a piece of cloth while you go outdoors.

    By doing so the pollutants and dirt can be avoided from entering into the hair and scalp and thus can to some extent help in controlling the greying of hair.
    Take good care of your hair to prevent all the hassle of colouring and dyeing.