Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

She Knows Her Moves

She Knows Her Moves

Seduction is an art made possible by actions. And sometimes it's difficult to understand when a woman is trying to seduce you. Seduction is different from attraction.
The former is about a thrilling not-so-long-affair while the latter may demand a relationship. To know what a woman implies by body language or inexplicable words is a skill a man masters with time. Here's an easy guide to knowing how that temptress is busy placing cheese in the trap.

1. Eye contact is a basic cue. If she's trying to get you to notice her, her eyes will be fixed on you.
2. The perfect temptress will make evident by her body language. Leaning towards you while talking, touching your arm, playing with your hair; all these show that she doesn't mind decreasing proximity.
3. While ensnaring you, instead of being interested in your past, present and future, she'll be interested in your romantic alliances.
4. Look out for open body language. If she wants to show she's available, her body will give you the cues. She'll have her arms open, legs uncrossed and she'll expose physically more than the usual.

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