I remember my first day at school like it was yesterday, and believe me it was AGES ago. I remember going into a classroom full of strangers; people I've never seen before.
I remember how my braid was tightly pulling on that head of mine and I remember how the class teacher smiled at us so gracefully, anxious to give her first lesson of the day.
I remember sitting next to a girl called Zara; a curly-head devil that I knew would be my best friend for life. I also remember the first sentence Zara uttered “Hi; I'm Zara, could we be friends”.
I smiled, happy of course that some girl from New Zealand wanted to be friends with me without knowing who I was or where I came from. Life was fun with Zara, we bought similar outfits, we got the same haircut and style, our laughter could be heard all across hallways, and Fridays were sanctuary.
She never got pissed at me for not calling her before I went out, and whenever we drifted apart, we’d always pick up right where we left off. As I grew up, moved to another country, and lost complete contact with Zara, I realized something.
I realized that as soon as I stepped into my 20s, I stepped out of “friendship”. People became acquaintances rather than true friends; rather than people who can’t wait to see you on Friday to play “doctor”.
They became “feeders”, feeding off every piece of gossip or information you have. They became people you see every day, rather than people you WANT to truly see every day.
They grew on me like fungus (not that I have fungus growing on me, no!).
They most definitely became people I just know and very few of them were people that would stand by me when bad things happened. It’s not that I hate my friends, it’s not like I'm alienating everyone around me, I just miss true friendship.
Child-like friendship; people who cry when I cry, people who laugh to tears at my jokes, and people who will tell me my hair sucks when I'm having a bad hair day. These are our treasures; not money, not fame, but family and friends- who are chosen family.
As we go through life we lose track; track of people, track of time, and track as in path … Never let anyone or anything take you away from your friends; never let your friends become acquaintances, and never forget what it was like to be that little girl in braids holding hands with that curly-haired devil!
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