They’re not ashamed of what they’ve done or who they’ve done, they simply acknowledge that it’s all in the past and move on … y’know, unlike girls.
Girls happen to dwell on events that happened decades ago, for decades to come. That one single feature in guys; the fact that they're so natural and down to earth, makes girls want to be just like them.
This sexy feature just encourages girls to strip down naked (both figuratively and literally) in front of their guy without having to worry what he’ll think … which can sometimes be a problem.
Yes; a problem! Girls, there are some things your partner does NOT want to know about you or witness. Check them out here:
1. As often as your partner may fart, I'm pretty sure he doesn’t wanna live to see the day his little princess letting one out! Guys think it’s funny and actually admire toilet humor, but not from their girls. No matter how silent it was, how odorless it may seem, or even how cute your “I fart butterflies” comment may be, go to the bathroom and don’t let him see that side of you.
2.Don’t order a large coke if you can’t hold in the gas. Just like farting, belching or burping can be a major turn off. And no, “excuse me” won’t cut it for him.
3. Don’t tell him you’re PMSing because that means you’re on your period. Some guys find it disgusting and some are very understanding when it comes to your monthly cycle but either way, you don’t want him holding it against you at your next fight that you're PMSing again.
4. Don’t spill all the beans. Having a partner is great, but that doesn’t mean you have to share ALL the crazy stuff you’ve done in life. You are entitled some secrets even when you’re in a relationship, so whether they're your secrets or your friends’, keep some stuff to yourself. None of that “I pissed myself laughing once” nonsense.
5.Men don’t share food. No matter how much he loves you, he most probably does NOT want to share food. So don’t get too comfortable around him next time you’re at McDonald’s and order your own fries.
6. Same applies for toothbrushes. Even if you share the same bottle of coke and make out for 20 minutes every day, toothbrushes are sacred, get your own!
7. To guys, cat fights are only sexy when you’re in your underwear and holding pillows. Guys hate cat fights and love girls who are smart with words. Instead of getting into a cat fight in front of your partner, talk your way out of it smartly then get back at that bit&* later in private.
8.No matter how many times he asks, DO NOT tell you partner how many times you’ve fallen in love. Having a boyfriend is one thing and falling in love is a whole other story to guys. It’s his right to know all about your past but don’t get into details that would leave him picturing you with someone else.
9.Stop talking about how fat you feel or how puffy your eyes are. Guys hate insecurity and that way you’re only pointing out things he probably didn’t notice anyway.
10.Lastly, your guy does not want to know your list of bad words. Do not curse out people in the street, truck drivers, un-attentive waiters, or whatever. Be polite, curse silently in your little, pretty head.
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