We all hate putting on lipstick and rubbing it off on almost everything we touch. From stained glasses to damaged cowl sweaters, having pink stained lips can be a disaster.
Don’t you just wish there wwas some way we could get plump, pink lips au natural? Fortunately enough there are actually ways to get those luscious pink lips naturally without even having to wear any lip gloss.
As part of your weekly scrub routine, scrub your lips using a sugar- oil scrub. Mix 50% sugar with 50% olive oil and scrub your lips with an old soft-bristle toothbrush. Don’t over exfoliate; you don’t want to hurt yourself.
After scrubbing off the dead skin, add on your lip “mask”. This lip mask is done by mixing 1 teaspoon of cold milk and a little Turmeric powder into a pasty mixture. Apply the lip mask for 5 minutes and keep doing so daily till the following week.
Avoid using soap around your lips, harmful detergents and alcohol result in paler, dryer lips. Now, moisturize using Vaseline or Chapstick to keep those lips hydrated.
Using almond oil everyday will help you moisturize and add color to your lips, while applying honey to your lips every day before you go to bed will help them stay soft and prevent chapping.
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