As you enter the fourth month of pregnancy, you can start to feel worried about your physique. With a bump large enough to notice but not be ‘obviously pregnant’, some women start to feel a little frumpy and uncomfortable. At this stage in pregnancy headaches can set in and some women start to experience urinary tract infections.
Despite this, you should still keep up your gentle exercise routines. Whilst it’s inevitable that you’ll put on some weight during pregnancy, keeping up a basic fitness routine will keep you healthy and you’ll feel more energetic when your new little one finally arrives.
Brisk walking
According to personal trainer Tracy Speights, walking is a great way to keep fit during pregnancy. Although all pregnant women require a medical consult before embarking on a fitness regime, walking is one of the safest activities recommended by personal trainers. Releasing endorphins or ‘happy hormones’ it helps lift the mood (as well as keeping your legs in excellent shape.) Remember that during pregnancy, your heart has to pump extra blood to then placenta. If you feel yourself getting dizzy at any point you should stop and consult a doctor, no matter how fit you were pre pregnancy. Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep hydrated as you exercise.
Elliptical training
The elliptical is a safe cardio machine to use during pregnancy. Offering a range of speeds and levels, this cross trainer is a good choice for keeping fit. Don’t forget to warm up and down properly to avoid pulling muscles and putting yourself in discomfort.
Sports to avoid
As you move along in your pregnancy, you’ll start to feel more protective of your bump. You’ll need to avoid contact and extreme sports during this stage of pregnancy. You’re also advised to steer clear of jumping activities, running, deep knee bends, horseback riding, bouncing while stretching or any activity where falling is likely.
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