Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Get Ready to Spice up your Boring Workout

Get Ready to Spice up your Boring Workout

Boredom will kill any workout routine. Who really wants to work out on the same machines doing the same reps every day? It gets to be so very boring, that you lose all motivation to work out in the first place. This is an indication that your body is craving for new and adventurous ways to workout.

Vary your fitness routine
By varying your workout routine you will be able to break the monotony and at the same time gain the advantage of working out different muscles.

This way you won't end up with a super big butt and great abs. You will be well toned all over. By varying your exercise routine you will be crashing through the fitness barriers that arise every so often.

You will be jumping over hurdles of fitness plateaus. When you have been working out for so long you suddenly stop losing weight. Even though you know you need to lose more weight, your body is not responding. That's why you need to vary your workout routine.

Your body is craving new and adventurous ways to work off that weight. Your muscles are all muscled out; they can't gain anything by doing the same exercises anymore. That's why you have to try something new.

Check out suggestions to spice up your training routine:
Get a bag. This one is my favorite. Bring a punching bag and installed it in a room . Once a week, beat the crap out of this thing until you can't raise my arms. This can be great for a cardio workout, your arms, and even your legs (you know, if you stick and move..).

Toss the medicine ball: The medicine ball has been used as an athletic training aid for decades in Europe, but only in recent years has the value of medicine ball training been recognised in the United States. Grab a medicine ball and lie on your back in a comfy spot near the TV. When you un-Tivo (playback) your favorite show, toss the medicine ball in the air and catch it each time something common happens.

Row away the calories: If you have a lake near by, rowing back and forth even in the smallest of lakes of a crazy workout. You will feel burn in your arms. If you're lucky, you'll give up on the shore as opposed to sitting in the middle of the lake where there is no wake to push you in. Rowing in the water beats the elliptical.
Workout in twosomes or groups: working out in twosomes or groups is instant motivation. If you "don't wanna", your peer or group will force you to go. The key is agreeing in the beginning that if force is needed, force will occur. I'd bet that you are not the only one in the group to come up with a lame excuse one morning!

Pole dancing: Here is an opportunity to embrace your inner sensuality, tone your muscles and gain a level of flexibility you thought was impossible. Contrary to the images you may have conjured up, pole dancing classes are attended by women in sweat pants who have little in common beyond, well, the fact that they are friendly women. This is a workout, most don't view it as anything but fun. At least not until they feel the muscle soreness the next day. The beginner class is taught from a basic level and each week builds on the lessons from the week before. At the end of the six- week class, the women have gained strength, confidence and camaraderie.

Do a cardio circuit: Instead of slaving away for hours on the same machine, try breaking it up into 10-minute intervals. Go from the treadmill to the elliptical, and then to the bike. Not only will your workout seem shorter since you won’t be performing the same movement continuously, but it will also help to prevent overtraining and work a wide variety of muscles.

Go play in the park: Remember when all you needed was a jump rope and a jungle gym and life was good? Sure some folks might look at you funny and you will definitely need to bend your knees more, but there is always some semi-deserted playground around, so go have some fun!

Dance your way to fitness: Dancing, experts say, burns calories, boosts energy, improves circulation and tones muscle--which leads to increased strength, endurance and flexibility. In fact, dancing can burn just as many calories as other, more "traditional" exercises, like brisk walking or downhill skiing. In addition, dancing relieves tension and stress, improves your mood and serves as an outlet for your creativity. Rumba helps to build strength and enhances flexibility. Jive is good for cardio activity. So one should practice everything, mix everything and take benefits from all types of dance.
If you actually DO workout consistently and eat right all the time, you’ll keep getting in better shape and that can actually be fun and exciting in it’s own way.
But if you are waiting for thrills and excitement every time you go to the gym or exercise,… I think it will be a long wait.

Tips to Avoid The 5 Most Common Teeth Problems

Tips to Avoid The 5 Most Common Teeth Problems

Do you feel you have bad mouth odor? Or are you worried about tooth decay? Do you experience gum bleeds when you brush your teeth? Feeling a sore ulcer coming on?
Here’s how you can avoid all these problems:
Oral cavity is the most noticeable part of a person and so everyone from a common man to a media personality is very conscious about it.

An attractive person is incomplete without their white, well- aligned teeth. Our little ignorance may lead to many dental diseases and teeth loss. Out of which ‘5’ dental problems are very common.

According to surveys and common questioning, there are 5 major and very common dental problems with which every next person from a house keeper to celebrity suffers and desperately wants to get rid of.

These problems are:
1: halitosis (bad breath)
2: tooth decay
3: mouth soreness
4: gum diseases
5: tooth sensitivity
Wait don’t panic, your little care can not only prevent all such problems but will also give you an everlasting young beautiful smile.
Let’s see how can you overcome these problems.

Bad breath (also known as halitosis or malodor) can be embarrassing and tough on those around you. According to a few people bad breath can ruin relationships, funny but true. There are simple easy ways to prevent and cure this condition.
• While brushing your teeth clean your tongue and hard palate as well with the same tooth brush but softly. There are many bacterial colonies on your tongue which is the major cause of halitosis. Also use same brush to brush your buccal (cheek) side. But brush them softly.
• Use mouth wash and floss afterwards.
• Eat certain foods that smell good – because they make your breath smell good, too. Take fruits high in vitamin C, for example. Melons, berries and citrus fruits such as oranges are packed with vitamin C.
• skip cigarettes

Tooth decay is the destruction of tooth structure and can affect both the enamel (the outer coating of the tooth) and the dentin layer of the tooth. We can prevent it by few simple ways.
• Brush your teeth at least twice a day
• Use fluoride-containing toothpaste.
• Clean between your teeth daily with dental floss or interdental cleaners.
• Eat nutritious food and avoid snacks and junks.
• Use disclosing agents to see if there is any accumulated plaque.
• Visit your dentist once in a month or once in two months at-least.

Oral lesions (mouth sores) make it painful to eat and talk. Most common oral lesions are fever blisters (cold sores) and canker sores, other types of oral lesions are leukoplakia, candidosis, hairy tongue, torus palatines and oral cancer. We can prevent oral soreness by simple measures.
• Stop smoking
• Avoid stressful situations
• Eat food carefully and slowly
• You can use a cool mouth wash.
• Avoid any trauma to the mouth
• Diet plays an important role, eat less spicy food and pack on a nutritious diet instead. Fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and cereals.
• Take good care of oral hygiene
• Avoid self medication
• Drink plenty of water
• Consult dentist/physician and use vitamin B complex and folic acid supplements, they help.
• Avoid eating hot, spicy food and carbonated drinks or beverages.

If you’re told that you suffer from periodontal (gum) disease then don’t panic because you're not alone. The adverse may be very bone and soft tissue damaging. You can prevent any intense condition by simple care.
• Quit one of the most important factors ‘smoking’.
• Brush your teeth twice a day
• Use an antiseptic mouthwash, one with anti-plaque.
• Fluoride treatment has helped to account for the decline in periodontal disease.

Tooth is one of the most commonly occurring problems in both children and adults. I am sure even you will have slight sensitivity in one of your teeth. You can prevent this pain causing problem which often gives you problem in eating. Once again your simple care and attention is needed.
• Use the salt water remedy
• Brush your teeth properly but SOFTLY.
• Adapt a hobby to reduce stress which leads you to grind your teeth.
• You can use numbing gel on an affected area.
• Visit your dentist once in a month or once in two months at-least.
Teeth is part of a human body which is once lost is lost forever. A beautiful person needs beautiful teeth. Prevention is better than cure, dental problems may occur but only when we don’t care much, so take care of that beautiful smile and keep on showing off your pearly whites.

Advanced breast cancer rising in young women

Advanced breast cancer rising in young women

Diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer in women younger than 40 has increased 2% a year, every year, from 1976 to 2009, according to a study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The increase was seen in women aged 25 to 39 of all races and ethnicities, living in both rural and urban areas in the United States.

It's a devastating diagnosis, particularly because a woman younger than 40 who is diagnosed with breast cancer is more likely to have an aggressive form of the disease and face lower survival rates.
But for perspective, the overall population of women who are affected still remains small.

"If you project these data out to the number of people in the U.S., there were about 250 cases per year ... in 1976 and that's now risen to 850 cases of breast cancer per year," said Dr. Rebecca Johnson, the study's lead author and medical director of the Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology program at Seattle Children's Hospital.
Those numbers, she says, refer to metastatic breast cancer in women younger than 40. The rise, she says, was "really concerning."

Johnson is a breast cancer survivor. She found a lump in her breast and was diagnosed with the disease when she was 27. It was not metastatic.

In previous research, she found that a woman younger than 40 had a 1 in 173 chance of developing breast cancer. For this study, she wanted to look specifically at advanced breast cancer within that same population.

"Along with my colleague, Dr. Archie Bleyer, a couple of years ago, we just wanted to ask the question, how common is this? Because once I was diagnosed, I had friends and friends of friends getting diagnosed and I didn't know if this was happening more or if I was hearing about it more," she says.

Johnson and her team used three U.S. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) databases of the National Cancer Institute to obtain data about breast cancer incidence from 1973 to 2009, 1992 to 2009, and 2000 to 2009. They chose 1976 as their starting year.

Not only did they find an increase in incidence of metastatic breast cancer in women younger than 40, the team also calculated that the average age of diagnosis was 34.3 years of age in women aged 25 to 39.

"From a cancer point of view, it is an important study because it suggests an early signal that there's a significant increase, a sustained increase over a prolonged period of time," said Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, who was not affiliated with the study.

"There's a suggestion this rate is accelerating and it could have a much greater impact so it's important we ... continue to monitor this, we try to understand what its influences are."

There is no solid explanation for what's driving the increased incidence, but Johnson and her team suggest there's likely more than one cause.
Yet neither she or Lichtenfeld believe the study's findings should change current screening guidelines for breast cancer.

"If there is an action item, at this time it's awareness: Breast cancer can happen (in younger women) and if it gets to be metastatic by the time it's diagnosed, that's a problem," said Johnson.

Yet while the rate of breast cancer incidence in young women has increased, Johnson and her team found that mortality rates over the last 30 years have been stable.

"It's great, except it's not great - the five-year survival rate used to be 15%, and now it's 30%. So that's something to be thankful for, but it's still very bad," she said.

"If women could be diagnosed earlier (before the cancer spreads), then each individual woman that that happens to stands to do a whole lot better, stands a better chance of living."
Lichtenfeld agreed. "This study reinforced the message, know your body better than anyone else does," he said.

"If there is a lump on the breast ... swelling in the breast, discharge from the nipple, redness in the skin of the breast, or unexplained pain in the breast, see your doctor."

Banana and Orange Mask

  • Banana and Orange Mask

    This Banana Orange Mask is great for Oily Skin. Bananas are loaded with soothing properties that help in reducing skin inflammation. Applying the pulp of banana on your face helps in making your skin supple and soft.

    It is known to be helpful in clearing acne as well. Applying banana on the face enhances the glow of your face. When combined with honey, bananas will give your skin a moisturizing effect as it keeps it hydrated and fresh, and prevents drying.

    Honey has natural antioxidant and anti-microbial properties. It helps to protect your skin from the damage of the sun's rays, supports the skin's ability to rejuvenate and refresh depleted skin, leaving your skin feeling silky soft and supple.

    One of the most common natural skin care benefits with honey is related to the treatment of minor acne. Honey absorbs impurities from the pores on the skin, making it an ideal cleansing agent.

    Honey also contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, and therefore is a wonderful beauty aid that nourishes the skin and the hair.

    Honey also acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent, and helps disinfect and speed the healing process in wounds, scrapes and burns.
    Who wouldnt want to try this mask out with all these benefits?

    Ingredients: 1 ripe banana 1 tablespoon honey 1 orange

    Preparation: 1. Mash the banana 2. Mix it with honey 3. Add a few drops of freshly squeezed orange 4. Make sure your face is washed make up is removed thoroughly before you apply the mask 5. Apply the mask evenly to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes 6. Rinse it off with warm water 7. Pat your face dry with a towel

    Eating Your Way to Healthy Hair

    Eating Your Way to Healthy Hair

    Bride or not, we all want to have beautiful and healthy hair! As all doctors and nutritionists say, 'you are what you eat.' And believe it or not, what you eat has everything to do with having healthy hair.
    Here are a few foods that will help you restore your hair's health in no time…

    Fish: Fish is high in omega-3s and vitamin D, especially salmon, which helps stop hair loss. Salmon is also a great source for iron, which is the main reason behind hair loss.

    Lean Meats and Red Meats: Chicken and red meat are a great source for protein and iron. Our hair is made out of protein called Keratin so it's important to have a proper amount of meat in your diet. Pumpkin

    Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are a great source of omega 3, omega 6 and zinc, which are all important for your hairs health. Nuts: Cashews, almonds, Brazilian nuts and pecans will make your hair thick and shiny! They have zinc and omega 3, and they make your scalp healthier.

    Leafy Greens and Vegetables: Vegetables and dark green leafs are a high source of Vitamins A and C which help moisturize your hair and give it shine.

    Eggs: Deficiency in B vitamins is a main reason behind hair loss. Eggs are rich in biotin and B12. Water: Water does not only keep your body hydrated, but also hydrates your hair.

    Beans: Kidney beans and lentils, along with many other kinds of beans, provide your hair with protein, iron, zinc and biotin. Beans also help with hair growth.

    Low-fat Dairy Products: Low-fat milk, yoghurt and cheese are great for your hair, as they are a great source of calcium.

    Seaweed: Iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, niacin, zinc, sodium and potassium are all nutrients found in seaweed, which has the ability to lessen grey hair and expel toxins from the body.

    Sophisticated Lips

    Sophisticated Lips

    Back in style, a full set of pouty lips is essential to any pulled together look giving you sophistication and class when done well. Throw on a pair of sunglasses and a floppy hat and you can rival even classic beauties like Audrey Hepburn.

    Because lipstick contains moisture-suckin
    g pigment drying out your pucker, cosmetics companies have now added moisturizers and even sun protection to lock in colour and protection.

    That doesn’t mean you don’t still need to moisturize your lips though. Take Olay’s ‘Total Effects 7X Serum’ for example. It soothes dry skin adding tone and texture while reducing any fine lines and wrinkles including the ones around your mouth so be sure to massage a little into the area around your mouth and lips everyday.

    Like any other art, applying lipstick takes times and practise. As with other make-up, the rule of thumb applies. Less is more. Of course, you want to look your best but you also don’t want to walk out your front door looking like a cast member of South Pacific.

    The clown line: There, I said it. We all know about the line. We see it on celebrities like Pamela Anderson, Haifa Wehbe and countless others but again, they are performers that aren’t portraying a classy or even sophisticated image and as tacky as it is, they can get away with it.

    Applying lipstick after drawing a crisp lip outline is an important key in the finishing touch since it helps to keep the colour from bleeding but it must be blended to be incorporated with the rest of your lips.

    Use a freshly sharpened lip pencil (lip liner) either in the same colour as the lipstick or slightly darker colour. Avoid colours that are more than one shade darker (or lighter).
    The beauty of lipstick is not only in the gorgeous colours but also in the way you apply them to make thin lips full, uneven lips even and so on.

    To balance the appearance of your lips while lining (before applying lipstick), first, divide the mouth into sections, and work on one section at a time until all the dotted lines are connected. And be aware that matte colours make lips look thinner while shimmery, glossy colours make your lips look fuller.

    Thin lips
    Use a lip liner to outline your lips just outside their natural edge, making the outline slightly wider on the top and bottom. Then brush on a layer of lip colour inside the outline. Spread on a layer of lip gloss on top of your lip colour.

    Full lips
    Apply foundation or concealer to the edges of your lips to blur the edge. Use a lip liner to outline your lips just inside the lip line, then brush on a layer of matte lip colour.

    Uneven lips
    Enlarge a thin top lip by outlining the upper lip just outside the edge using a lip liner, then outline the lower lip drawing the line on the on the natural edge. Brush on lip colour inside the line, applying more colour to the thinner half of the lip.

    Shapeless lips
    Outline upper lip with a lip liner to emphasize the 'v' in the middle. Draw the line just outside the lip edge of the bottom lip to make it look fuller. Brush on dark, matte lip colours for even more definition.

    Uneven toned lips
    Cover upper and lower lips with a little foundation. Outline lips with lip liner. Choose the lipstick colour, then begin applying lipstick by brushing a darker shade onto the lighter lip and a lighter shade onto the darker lip.

    Lastly, use a lip gloss to add extra shine after applying lipstick. It can be tinted or colorless and you can use it alone or over lipstick. Apply only to the centre of your lips since it tends to 'bleed' beyond the lip edges. Lip gloss is not recommended for use on mature skin as the extra shine can draw attention to the tiny lines around the mouth

    Alternate Remedies for Premature Grey Hair

    Alternate Remedies for Premature Grey Hair

    Grey hair is actually hair that has no pigment and is the result of the melanocytes — the cells that produce pigment — becoming damaged or dyeing.

    Presence of grey hair is a moment of defining getting older. Earlier a grey strand would get visible in late 30s or early 40s.

    But, according to a new study that’s been made exclusively available to Life & Style, almost a third (32 per cent) of British women under the age of 30 have already started to go grey, and two-thirds of them blame it on stress. From society’s perspective, a woman with grey hair has reached the end of her reproductive life.

    Premature greying of hair has led to the increasing use of hair colours and dyes. Some of these hair dyes used by millions of women contain chemicals linked to cancer, British scientists have warned. They say that both home hair colouring kits and the dyes used at expensive salons pose a potential risk to health.

    According to them, chemicals called secondary amines, which are either found in all permanent hair dyes or are formed in them, can penetrate the skin and stay on the hair for weeks, months or even years after the dye is applied.

    Over time, they could react with tobacco smoke and exhaust fumes, to form highly poisonous chemicals called N-nitrosamines, known to cause cancer.

    This has left women with limited options- embrace the grey or opt for alternate remedies. More young mothers, professionals, and even runway models are opting to "go gray," says Diana Jewell, author of Going Gray, Looking Great.

    "If you were young, vibrant, active, healthy pre-gray, you're still going to be that way. It's all in the attitude you bring to it," Jewell says. "If you think of it as merely another color choice, you won't be afraid of gray."

    Also, Sarah Harris a fashion feature writer for Vogue started to go grey when she was just 16. Now, aged 31, she’s adamant her silver locks are here to stay. ‘I’m proud of my silver hair — and it’s definitely silver, not grey, ’she says. ‘Grey sounds ageing.

    Silver is infinitely more glamorous — and besides, my hair is lighter and whiter than the ashen colour that “grey” suggests.’
    If you are looking for other options Check out the Tips for the Management & Prevention of premature greying of hair.

    • The foremost among these is the use of Indian Gooseberries or amla which is valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth & hair pigmentation. The fruit cut into pieces should be dried, preferably in shade. These pieces should be boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes like charred dust. The darkish oil is very useful in preventing greying.

    • The water in which dried amla pieces are soaked overnight is also nourishing to the hair. This water should be used for the last rinse while washing the hair. Massaging the scalp with a teaspoon of amla juice mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil or few drops of lime juice, every night has proved beneficial.

    • When curry leaves are boiled in coconut oil, the oil forms an excellent hair tonic to stimulate hair growth & bring back hair pigmentation.

    • Aloe Vera helps in healing the scalp, balances the ph level of the scalp and cleans the pores. A mixture of Aloe Vera gel with wheat germ oil and coconut milk promotes hair growth and hair color.

    • Jojoba oil being hypoallergenic promotes hair growth, hair coloring and regulates dandruff problems.

    • The butter made from cow's milk has the property to prevent premature greying of hair. This can be massaged into the hair roots twice a week.

    • Ribbed gourd or torai, boiled in coconut oil is another effective remedy to prevent premature greying of hair. Pieces of this vegetables should be dried in the shade.

    • These dried pieces should be soaked in coconut oil & kept aside for 3-4 days. The oil should be boiled till the solid is reduced to the blackened residue. This oil should be massaged into the scalp. It will help enrich the hair roots & restore pigment to the hair.

    • Application of Heena is another option who like the red tone in their hair.

    • Ingesting vitamin B12, iron, copper and iodine, all important nutrients, help prevent premature graying. Meat and dairy products contain rich sources of vitamin B12, making strict vegans vulnerable to deficiencies.

    • Eating a nutritious and balanced diet of dark leafy vegetables, cereals, dairy, red meat, chicken, seafood and whole grains can help maintain healthy hair and delay the greying process.

    • Protect the hair from external pollutants in order to prevent premature greying of hair. Cover the head with a head cap or a piece of cloth while you go outdoors.

    By doing so the pollutants and dirt can be avoided from entering into the hair and scalp and thus can to some extent help in controlling the greying of hair.
    Take good care of your hair to prevent all the hassle of colouring and dyeing.

    How to Get Naturally Pink Lips

    How to Get Naturally Pink Lips

    We all hate putting on lipstick and rubbing it off on almost everything we touch. From stained glasses to damaged cowl sweaters, having pink stained lips can be a disaster.

    Don’t you just wish there wwas some way we could get plump, pink lips au natural? Fortunately enough there are actually ways to get those luscious pink lips naturally without even having to wear any lip gloss.

    As part of your weekly scrub routine, scrub your lips using a sugar- oil scrub. Mix 50% sugar with 50% olive oil and scrub your lips with an old soft-bristle toothbrush. Don’t over exfoliate; you don’t want to hurt yourself.

    After scrubbing off the dead skin, add on your lip “mask”. This lip mask is done by mixing 1 teaspoon of cold milk and a little Turmeric powder into a pasty mixture. Apply the lip mask for 5 minutes and keep doing so daily till the following week.

    Avoid using soap around your lips, harmful detergents and alcohol result in paler, dryer lips. Now, moisturize using Vaseline or Chapstick to keep those lips hydrated.

    Using almond oil everyday will help you moisturize and add color to your lips, while applying honey to your lips every day before you go to bed will help them stay soft and prevent chapping.

    10 Work Make up Mistakes

    10 Work Make up Mistakes

    Applying make up for work has its own rules that differ from evening or outing make up. When it comes to work beauty remedies, less is more! Here are some beauty and make up mistakes that you should avoid when it comes to work:

    1- Super-long nails: Nails need to be short, neat, groomed and lightly painted in neutral shades. Don’t re-apply nail polish while at work, having to constantly do that means that it was not being put on properly in the first place.

    2- Constantly re-applying makeup at your desk: The image of a lady employee who keeps on powdering her face and using lipstick every now and then is not professional. If you need to fix your make up, use the privacy of the lady’s room.

    3- Not wearing enough makeup or going bare-faced to work. You should look your best at work. Just like you won’t show up in your ‘home’ clothes, the same applies to your face. Applying a little concealer, powder and light lipstick would be sufficient. If you didn’t have the time in the morning, take with you your make up pouch and do it in the ladies room when you reach.

    4- Wearing too much mascara: Nothing looks bad on the eyes like flaking mascara caused by applying layer over layer on your eyelashes. Make sure to clean off yesterday’s mascara before going to bed, and applying a new fresh layer in the morning.

    5- Wearing glitter: When choosing eye shadow and powder for work, stay away from all that shimmers, sparkles, or frosts. Keep that for your night out as these look great only in the evening and in the dark.

    6- Heavy eyeliner: When sitting up close in a meeting with your clients or colleagues, heavy black eyeliner might be a bit distracting. Besides, it has the ability to smudge after long hours of work. Keep it simple, and thin!

    7- Bright lipstick and dark lip liner: This is a general rule actually weather you are at work or not. Don’t apply super bright lipstick surrounded by a dark lip liner color. It just doesn’t look good!

    8- Too much bronzing and self-tanning products: Stay away from using a lot of bronzing and tanning products as you don’t want turn up orange for work!

    9- Lipstick on the teeth: When applying lipstick, make sure it’s a thin layer on the outside so that it won’t smudge on your teeth.

    10- Too much perfume: There is nothing worse than being stuck on an office with a woman wearing too much perfume. It is not convenient for your colleagues, and less is definitely more in this case!
    Image: Thinkstock

    20 Things every man wants in bed

    20 Things every man wants in bed

    You might think you have sexy down to a science. But do know what real men actually want in a lover? Read on to find out

    When it comes to sex, you can get an “A” for effort. Guys want to be with someone who’s actually into sex and not doing it as a favor or just going through the motions.
    “There is nothing more seductive than an enthusiastic lover,” says Lou Paget, certified sex educator and author of The Big O: Orgasms: How to Have Them, Give Them, and Keep Them Coming. “That beats out the perfect body or the perfect face anytime. A man wants feedback that a woman is into doing things with him!”

    New Tricks
    Men want a lover who is willing to try new things from time to time. That doesn’t mean you have to go all 50 Shades of Grey. Just be open to ideas.
    “Sexual desire is like an appetite,” says Paget. “We all want to try different flavors -- otherwise we’d get bored eating at the same place all the time. Men want someone who is willing to explore unique feelings and new sensations.”
    Worried that whatever you do is suddenly going to become part of your nightly repertoire? Don’t think of it as a can of worms. Most likely the occasional change-up is all he needs.

    We normally think of women as the ones who need reassurance about their appearance, but men get insecure, too. A lover who will find something to compliment and worship about her partner will never lack affection from him.
    “Every man wants to know they have that special something that turns a woman on,” says Paget. “It could be something that turns her head or something like his intelligence or sense of humor that she finds incredibly sexy.”
    It’s not a cliché, ladies. A man wants a woman who will tell him what to do -- at least in the bedroom. Most guys will be thankful for a little instruction, especially if it means they’ll succeed at pleasuring you.
    “A woman who can guide you with sounds or one word responses is preferred as it takes away the guess work,” says Paget. “Just remember to avoid acting like a sexual traffic cop!”

    Men want someone who will leave the lights on and let him get a good look at her. Stop worrying about covering up any squishy parts.
    “Indirect lighting is Hollywood’s best friend and it can be yours as well,” says Paget. “Need I repeat that men are visual creatures and they want to see their partner? It’s a big part of their turn-on factor.”
    Confidence is sexier than anything!

    Sex on the Brain
    A woman who keeps sex in the forefront of her thoughts knows how to inject it into life outside the bedroom -- and that’s sexy. Try sexting him or be extra naughty and playful in public.
    “Do it in a discreet way,” say Paget. “Let your partner know that you’re thinking about sex throughout the day. Remember, your brain is your sexual power source.”

    Violence against women – one in three will fall victim

    Violence against women – one in three will fall victim

    We are in the season where countries will once again recognise the role of women on Friday, March 8th.
    The day has been set aside by the UN as International Women’s Day. No doubt the injustices against women, the world’s largest population and indeed Ghana’s largest as well, will feature greatly.

    I get very upset when I see or hear news reports on brutalities against women. They only come to confirm that despite all the countless efforts by civil society groups over the years, many more women are suffering, sometimes in the quiet, at the hands of men.

    Violence against women is real and that is why we continue to hear about nasty incidents of domestic brutalities. A quick glance through some copies of old newspapers so far this year reveal such front page headlines as “Farmer butchers wife”, “Man chops off wife’s head”, “Painstil assaults wife?”, “Cops chase Painstil”, and “Man sets lover ablaze”.

    It is extremely difficult to appreciate why a man should ever want to attack a woman more so, a wife he lives with under the same roof and inflict harm sometimes to the extent of decapitation. But yes, Shakespeare was right when he said that “There’s no act to find the mind’s construction on the face”.

    Quite part from these domestic acts, there are also those types of violence against women which happen in or outside the home, including rape or sexual harassment. Startling statistics available confirm that one in three women will experience physical violence (beating, slapping or other physical punishment) at the hands of current or previous partners.

    According to a study carried out by the Gender Studies and Human Rights Documentation Centre, one third of women in Ghana admitted living with an abusive man.
    Research has further shown that many who abuse women are not restricted to any one class or group of men.

    They come from all backgrounds – the rich, the poor, the educated, the non-educated, rural as well as urban dwellers, high or low class – there is no exception. In the same way, victims of violence come from all backgrounds.

    While those in the lower classes may go and report their abuse, women in the upper or working classes prefer to suffer in the quiet because exposing their suffering may be to their disadvantage.

    A case in point perhaps, is that of Mrs Richlove Painstil who insisted that she loved her husband and that her husband had not assaulted her despite an eye witness account to the police.

    As is sometimes reported in the news, women who get assaulted receive serious and sometimes permanent damages to their bodies; their egos get bruised and sometimes they get emotionally and mentally disturbed.

     Studies by the Gender Studies and Human Rights Documentation Centre confirm that two out of three women who experience physical violence suffer injuries to parts of their bodies and in extreme cases, they suffer death.

    The question is sometimes asked as to why any woman would want to remain in an abusive relationship. Legitimate as the question is, majority of abused women may continue to stay in their abusive relationships because they are committed to their marriages and desperately would want the marriage or relationship to succeed.

    Most often, where there are children, they prefer to have a home where the children are growing up with a father figure around.

    With some too, they sincerely hope that the man would change for the better and I have heard testimonies where some such men changed after years of their wives committing them to prayers and fasting.

    Whatever the case, I believe that consistent violence in a marriage relationship is a clear sign of a man’s utter disrespect for the woman he happens to be in a relationship with. That is why in cases of repeated assault on a wife, the woman should be advised to leave the scene, even if temporarily.

    Cases of constant abuse can never be a sign of love for the woman and that is why parents should never encourage the “It will get better” kind of mentality when their daughters get entangled in that kind of situation.

    For such men, the constant attacks on their women are a stamp of their superiority in the man-woman relationship. How do such parents feel when one day, the abuse is taken to the extreme and the woman gets murdered?

    Going by the extent of some of the reported cases in the news, we cannot afford to watch on for women to suffer brutalities in their homes. Most of the time, the children in the relationship become severely disadvantaged and sometimes badly traumatised form incidences of their mothers suffering abuse at the hands of their fathers. Punitive laws should be stepped up to restore the dignity of abused women and their children.

    In that regard, I highly commend the UK government for its recent bold step on domestic violence. According to news report in the UK Press not too long ago, suspected wife-beaters could be barred from their homes for up to four weeks even if there is insufficient evidence for them to be charged under their “Go orders” or Domestic Violence Protection Order plan unveiled by the Home Secretary.

    The “Go Orders” will enable the police to step in and ban suspected attackers from a victim’s home even if they are too afraid of taking action themselves or if no criminal proceedings are possible.

    The year-long pilot will start in the summer in Greater Manchester and Wiltshire. The government is bent on cracking down on violence against women and girls.

    Figures from the British Crime survey showed that more than one in four women in the UK will experience at least one incident of domestic abuse in their lifetime with one million women experiencing at least one incident of domestic violence every year and one in twenty becoming a victim of stalking.

    Can we begin to move fast in Ghana too where the statistics is one in every three women suffering abuse? Extensive research works have already been done by various gender groups coupled with the gruesome reports we get in the press so we do have ample evidence of the reality of brutalities in the home. The time to act to curb domestic violence against women is now.

    As a country with such priority for an equitable society, we need to take giant strides in dishing out stiffer punishment that will bring down and ultimately stop the unnecessary violence against women. That is the only way we can bring down domestic violence and the brutalities that go with it.

    Happy Women’s Day to all the silent sufferers of domestic abuse.

    Folic acid in pregnancy may help lower autism risk

    Folic acid in pregnancy may help lower autism risk

    Taking folic acid before pregnancy, and through the first several weeks of pregnancy, may help reduce the risk of autism for those children, according to a new study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

    Researchers in Norway looked at data from 85,000 pregnancies, and found that women who took the supplement four weeks before pregnancy, and through the eighth week of pregnancy, were 39% less likely to have children with autism.

    The Norwegian study is the largest to date on the benefits of folic acid for autism prevention, and marks one of the first tangible things a woman can do to reduce her risk of giving birth to a child with the disorder.

    "This is pretty exciting," said Alycia Halladay, senior director for environmental and clinical sciences for Autism Speaks, an autism advocacy group.

    "It actually supports the idea of actionable things women can do before they become pregnant, and right as conception happens."
    Experts have known for some time that taking folic acid can prevent neural tube birth defects like spina bifida in developing fetuses.

    American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines call for all women of child-bearing age - not just those who plan to get pregnant - to take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily to prevent birth defects. The same dose appears to provide some benefit in preventing autism, according to the research.

    "This is another piece of evidence that supports the beneficial uses of folic acid during pregnancy," said Halladay, who was not connected with the study.

    The research "strongly suggests that taking folic acid prior to pregnancy may reduce the risk of autism in children," said Dr. Edward R.B. McCabe, medical director for the March of Dimes.

    The organization also recommends women of child-bearing age take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily before conceiving and 600 to 800 micrograms per day while pregnant.
    But some experts aren't quite ready to tout the benefits of folic acid too loudly, particularly for autism prevention.

    "It is possible that folic acid ... might provide protection against other neurodevelopmental disorders like autism," said Zachary Warren, director of the Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders at Vanderbilt University, who was also not involved in the study. "While the current study suggests such protection... the data really do not establish anything close to a causal connection."

    The Norwegian researchers do admit that more studies should be done to confirm the link.
    Warren says he wishes the solution were as simple as just taking folic acid. "Caring for individuals with autism and their families would be a whole lot easier if we had simple answers about cause and risk," he says. "The reality is, autism is a complex disorder and our best answers about causes and treatment are going to be complex as well."

    Despite the fact that a link between taking folic acid and reducing autism risk isn't fully proven, Halladay says there's no harm in taking the supplement, and women should be taking it anyway to prevent birth defects.

    Gentle exercise routines and sports to avoid

    Gentle exercise routines and sports to avoid

    As you enter the fourth month of pregnancy, you can start to feel worried about your physique. With a bump large enough to notice but not be ‘obviously pregnant’, some women start to feel a little frumpy and uncomfortable. At this stage in pregnancy headaches can set in and some women start to experience urinary tract infections.

    Despite this, you should still keep up your gentle exercise routines. Whilst it’s inevitable that you’ll put on some weight during pregnancy, keeping up a basic fitness routine will keep you healthy and you’ll feel more energetic when your new little one finally arrives.

    Brisk walking
    According to personal trainer Tracy Speights, walking is a great way to keep fit during pregnancy. Although all pregnant women require a medical consult before embarking on a fitness regime, walking is one of the safest activities recommended by personal trainers. Releasing endorphins or ‘happy hormones’ it helps lift the mood (as well as keeping your legs in excellent shape.) Remember that during pregnancy, your heart has to pump extra blood to then placenta. If you feel yourself getting dizzy at any point you should stop and consult a doctor, no matter how fit you were pre pregnancy. Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep hydrated as you exercise.

    Elliptical training
    The elliptical is a safe cardio machine to use during pregnancy. Offering a range of speeds and levels, this cross trainer is a good choice for keeping fit. Don’t forget to warm up and down properly to avoid pulling muscles and putting yourself in discomfort.

    Sports to avoid
    As you move along in your pregnancy, you’ll start to feel more protective of your bump. You’ll need to avoid contact and extreme sports during this stage of pregnancy. You’re also advised to steer clear of jumping activities, running, deep knee bends, horseback riding, bouncing while stretching or any activity where falling is likely.

    Should sperm donors have parental duties?

    Should sperm donors have parental duties?

    As more women become pregnant using sperm donated by men they know, the law must establish what role, if any, these men should play in their biological children's lives.
    When William Marotta answered a Craigslist ad seeking a sperm donor, he was just trying to help two women start a family.
    Over a few days in 2009, he gave the couple several donations in plastic cups and signed an agreement giving up all his parental rights. He thought he would never see them again.
    But in October he got an alarming letter: though the women did not want him to be part of the child's life, the state of Kansas was suing him for child support.
    Mr Marotta, 45, discovered that the women raising his biological daughter had separated and the child's mother, facing financial difficulties, had enrolled the girl in Medicaid, a government healthcare programme for the poor.
    The state asked her for the name of the girl's father, who officials said was financially responsible for the medical expenses incurred.
    'Clearly outdated'
    Experts say they are seeing an increase in legal disputes over the relationships sperm donors have with recipient families in cases where the donor's identity is known.
    In some cases, like Mr Marotta's, donors do not want to be recognised as legal parents. But lawyers are also seeing more cases in which donors seek contact with their biological children.
    In the UK, the High Court recently handed down a landmark ruling giving two gay men in a civil partnership the right to apply for contact with their three biological children, who are being raised by lesbian couples with whom the men are friendly.
    The men could even win the right to play a role in rearing the children.
    In the US, analysts like Charles Kindregan, professor of family law at Suffolk University in Boston, say Mr Marotta's case demonstrates why the law is so "clearly outdated".
    The law protecting sperm donors from parental liability was passed in the 1970s, when most women seeking fertility treatment were married. Because treatment was new and cumbersome it had to be administered by a doctor.
    But medical advances now offer cheaper, easier alternatives to treatment in a clinic.
    Single mothers now make up as many as 49% of the women who receive donor conception treatment, says Wendy Kramer, director of the Donor Sibling Registry.
    Zero legal protection
    Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families account for another third of recipients, with heterosexual couples making up the balance, she says.
    "That's a huge difference from when I became pregnant 22 years ago," she says. "At that time most of the women were like me - married, infertile couples."
    Ms Kramer emphasises that because donor recipients have not been required to report live births back to sperm banks, healthcare practitioners, regulators and legislators have been unable accurately to track the changing landscape.
    She adds that there is "zero" tracking for sperm donors who do not go through clinics.
    And in these casual arrangements, there is also zero legal protection for the biological mother and father.
    Nearly all the current litigation involving sperm donors stems from complications arising out of private donations.
    Under the Uniform Parentage Act of 1973, the law on the books in most US states, a physician's involvement ensures the donor has no parental liability.
    In Mr Marotta's case, this rule made all the difference. Because the women used a home insemination kit instead of a doctor, he could be on the hook for about $6,000 in child support, his lawyer Ben Swinnen says.
    But Prof Kindregan sees "no rational connection" between the use of a doctor in the procedure and the assignment of legal responsibility for the child.
    A physician "may hopefully ensure the procedure is done correctly, but is irrelevant as to the potential parentage - or support - liability of either the sperm donor or the husband, if the woman is married," he says.
    Other analysts say the requirement's original purpose was to protect children: Doctors can test the donation for sexually transmitted infection before clearing it for insemination.
    "The philosophy of the legislators is [doctors] will do the mandatory testing against diseases such as HIV and hepatitis," says Steven Snyder, chairman of the American Bar Association's assisted reproductive technology group.
    "Using a licensed physician also creates a 'proof platform'" protecting the state from couples claiming the father is in fact a donor in order to claim public benefits, he says.
    But analysts agree the law needs to catch up with changing times and to enable courts to rule according to the wishes of the parties.
    "As to intention, this is increasingly important in family law matters as the concept of family evolves into new forms," Prof Kindregan says.
    New model parentage laws, including one written by the American Bar Association, propose dropping the physician requirement.
    Mr Snyder says courts would be allowed to undertake fact finding to resolve disputes on a case-by-case basis.
    Updated parentage bills are being considered in at least eight states, he says.
    Mr Marotta's lawyer says that although his client did not know - and did not ask - whether the women would use a doctor, he did sign a contract giving up parental rights to a child born of his donation.
    "Unlike what the state says, donor agreements are not void as a matter of law and should be enforced," Mr Swinnen argues.
    An evidentiary hearing in Mr Marotta's case is scheduled for 10 April, and oral arguments will be heard on 18 June.

    10 Things Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Know

    10 Things Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Know

    Guys make us feel the most comfortable around them just because they’re comfy in their own skin. Unlike girls, guys are actually proud of who they are and where they’ve gotten so far in life.

    They’re not ashamed of what they’ve done or who they’ve done, they simply acknowledge that it’s all in the past and move on … y’know, unlike girls.

    Girls happen to dwell on events that happened decades ago, for decades to come. That one single feature in guys; the fact that they're so natural and down to earth, makes girls want to be just like them.

    This sexy feature just encourages girls to strip down naked (both figuratively and literally) in front of their guy without having to worry what he’ll think … which can sometimes be a problem.

    Yes; a problem! Girls, there are some things your partner does NOT want to know about you or witness. Check them out here:

    1. As often as your partner may fart, I'm pretty sure he doesn’t wanna live to see the day his little princess letting one out! Guys think it’s funny and actually admire toilet humor, but not from their girls. No matter how silent it was, how odorless it may seem, or even how cute your “I fart butterflies” comment may be, go to the bathroom and don’t let him see that side of you.

    2.Don’t order a large coke if you can’t hold in the gas. Just like farting, belching or burping can be a major turn off. And no, “excuse me” won’t cut it for him.

    3. Don’t tell him you’re PMSing because that means you’re on your period. Some guys find it disgusting and some are very understanding when it comes to your monthly cycle but either way, you don’t want him holding it against you at your next fight that you're PMSing again.

    4. Don’t spill all the beans. Having a partner is great, but that doesn’t mean you have to share ALL the crazy stuff you’ve done in life. You are entitled some secrets even when you’re in a relationship, so whether they're your secrets or your friends’, keep some stuff to yourself. None of that “I pissed myself laughing once” nonsense.

    5.Men don’t share food. No matter how much he loves you, he most probably does NOT want to share food. So don’t get too comfortable around him next time you’re at McDonald’s and order your own fries.

    6. Same applies for toothbrushes. Even if you share the same bottle of coke and make out for 20 minutes every day, toothbrushes are sacred, get your own!

    7. To guys, cat fights are only sexy when you’re in your underwear and holding pillows. Guys hate cat fights and love girls who are smart with words. Instead of getting into a cat fight in front of your partner, talk your way out of it smartly then get back at that bit&* later in private.

    8.No matter how many times he asks, DO NOT tell you partner how many times you’ve fallen in love. Having a boyfriend is one thing and falling in love is a whole other story to guys. It’s his right to know all about your past but don’t get into details that would leave him picturing you with someone else.

    9.Stop talking about how fat you feel or how puffy your eyes are. Guys hate insecurity and that way you’re only pointing out things he probably didn’t notice anyway.

    10.Lastly, your guy does not want to know your list of bad words. Do not curse out people in the street, truck drivers, un-attentive waiters, or whatever. Be polite, curse silently in your little, pretty head.

    She Knows Her Moves

    She Knows Her Moves

    Seduction is an art made possible by actions. And sometimes it's difficult to understand when a woman is trying to seduce you. Seduction is different from attraction.
    The former is about a thrilling not-so-long-affair while the latter may demand a relationship. To know what a woman implies by body language or inexplicable words is a skill a man masters with time. Here's an easy guide to knowing how that temptress is busy placing cheese in the trap.

    1. Eye contact is a basic cue. If she's trying to get you to notice her, her eyes will be fixed on you.
    2. The perfect temptress will make evident by her body language. Leaning towards you while talking, touching your arm, playing with your hair; all these show that she doesn't mind decreasing proximity.
    3. While ensnaring you, instead of being interested in your past, present and future, she'll be interested in your romantic alliances.
    4. Look out for open body language. If she wants to show she's available, her body will give you the cues. She'll have her arms open, legs uncrossed and she'll expose physically more than the usual.

    20 things you didn’t know about sex

    20 things you didn’t know about sex

    Women can ejaculate, too
    Although it’s a hotly debated issue, many women claim that before or during orgasm, they expel a fluid that’s not urine and not vaginal lubrication.
    It’s a clear, odorless fluid that comes out of the urethra itself (or its surrounding ducts) and can range from a few drops to a flood.
    “It can happen as a result of G-spot stimulation,” says Amy Levine, sex coach and founder of
    “It can take practice and a sense of letting go to have this experience, don’t fret if you aren’t able to do it,” she reassures. But, don’t be alarmed if it happens either.

    It’s possible for you and your partner’s parts not to fit
    He’s the keymaster and you’re the gatekeeper…but in reality, that’s not always a combination that works. “It’s like putting two puzzle pieces into place,” says Levine. If your guy is too big, all is not lost.
    Try a position where you control the depth of penetration, such as woman-on-top. If he’s too small, then it’s time to invest in some toys and hope that he’s a good conversationalist.
    According to sex-workshop leaders Steve and Vera Bodansky, there’s actually a specific area of the clitoris that’s the most sensitive.
    “We’ve found, in every female student that we’ve taught, that the upper left quadrant of the clitoral head is the most pleasurable spot to touch,” they say in their book, Extended Massive Orgasm: How You Can Give and Receive Intense Sexual Pleasure. So tonight instruct him to go, “A little to the left, dear!”

    Many women experience PCB -- Post-Coital Bleeding
    If you see red after intercourse, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting your period…or that anything has ripped.
    You could be experiencing post-coital bleeding, a condition that can sometimes result from an infection of the cervix or a polyp.
    While most post-coital bleeding isn’t life-threatening, you should still see your OB/GYN. Only he or she can tell if treatment is required.

    Your desire is often related to where you are in your Menstrual Cycle
    It’s no coincidence that many women experience an increase in sexual desire around the time they ovulate.
    That’s when testosterone levels are at their peak and, well, testosterone makes you frisky -- just ask any guy. In fact, it’s a pretty neat trick of biology that we would want sex right around the time we’re most likely to get pregnant!

    Many straight guys like their anal areas stimulated
    If your man won’t admit to wanting some back door action, it could be because he’s afraid that it’ll make him seem gay.
    “The reality is that the anal area is packed with nerves,” says Levine. She also says that stimulation of the prostate can lead to intense orgasms. If you decide to go exploring, just give him fair warning first!

    Women can orgasm an unlimited amount of times
    After orgasm, men experience a refractory period during which they lose their erection. Women don’t need the same recovery time. “Women have unlimited capacity,” says Britton.
    “Often they think that once they experience their first orgasm, that they are done. On the contrary, women have the ability to experience one orgasm after another.”
    Britton also points out that both genders can have multiple orgasms but that men must master specific techniques in order to do so. This means the man must understand his body enough to know when to decrease stimulation right before he ejaculates.
    Once he’s achieved this, you’ve got a partner to ride the wave of successive orgasms with!

    Sex doesn’t slow down for many elderly people
    Seniors don’t spend all day getting reduced price tickets to the movies.
    Many of them are too busy going all the way! “Sexual attraction and connection is a life-long drive,” says Lou Paget, certified sex educator and author of The Big O: Orgasms: How to Have Them, Give Them, and Keep Them Coming.
    So if your sex life is a little lackluster, don’t blame it on age. “For many older women the reason they aren’t having sex is simply a matter of opportunity.” Make time for sex, and sex will happen.

    Using lube can mean the difference between pain and pleasure
    If you’re not all that into sex, or find it painful, the answer to your problem could be in a small bottle you can pick up in any drugstore.
    Not producing enough lubrication can make sex downright un-fun for women. And needing a supplement doesn’t mean you’re not turned on. Don’t be afraid to use it.
    “The truth is that our natural lubrication comes and goes throughout an encounter,” says Levine. “Wetter is better, and adding a water-based or silicone-based vagina-friendly lube can lead to an increased level of satisfaction.”

    Most women don’t orgasm from penetration alone
    You wouldn’t expect a man to climax without his penis being involved, yet so many women feel pressure to orgasm without the clitoris.
    “We need clitoral stimulation,” says Levine. “After all, the sole purpose of the clitoris is for pleasure. During sex, stimulate your clit with a toy or your finger -- or have your partner get in on the action.”

    Having sex can make you look sexier
    When a woman does the deed, her estrogen levels double. This can make her hair shinier and her skin softer.
    “Estrogen seems to be the fountain of youth for women,” says Britton. “It can even keep the body enriched with more moisture in the walls of the vagina.” Think of sex as the ultimate beauty treatment and get them nice and often.

    One ejaculation yields only about a teaspoon of semen
    You may want to keep this one secret from your man, especially if he thinks his love juice could fill up a quart every time he makes love.
    “Despite claims, the majority of men have about 1-2 teaspoons of ejaculate, maybe more if he hasn’t orgasmed in quite some time,” says Paget. Still, we think you should applaud his efforts either way.

    Humans and Dolphins are the only mammals that have sex solely for pleasure
    Betcha didn’t know that Flipper was such a playboy! The truth is, as humans, we can savor and enjoy sex and not just think of it for procreation purposes.
    Don’t take this gift for granted and crank up the dial a little bit tonight -- turn on some soft music, light a few candles and make like a dolphin.

    Sex can actually lower stress levels and keep you from getting sick
    Did you know that when you’re super busy, getting busy can be just the thing to keep you sane?
    That’s because intercourse can lower blood pressure levels, making you less prone to stress.
    Regular sex can also give you higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A, which helps ward off colds and other infections. So, in case you ever needed an excuse for nooky, there you go.

    Strengthening the PC Muscle = Better bladder control and better sex
    You do crunches for your abs, but when was the last time you did your Kegels? It’s an exercise (similar to stopping the flow of urine when you’re peeing) that tones the pubococcygeus muscle (or, the PC muscle).
    “The PC muscle can help with bladder control, but even better, it can make your orgasms more intense and help you grip his penis when he’s inside of you, giving him more pleasure, too,” says Levine.
    So, why not squeeze this exercise into your schedule? The move: hold your PC muscle (like you were holding in urine) for 10 seconds, then release for 10 seconds. That’s one. Repeat 10 times. For optimal Kegels, do 3 sets a day.

    Falling asleep after sex is normal for men -- and women
    There’s a reason you and your honey feel tired after sex (and it’s usually not because one of you doesn’t feel like reciprocating).
    “After sex, oxytocin is released and that hormone is responsible for calming you and even inducing sleep,” says Patti Britton, PhD, clinical sexologist, founder of and author of The Art of Sex Coaching. Next time he dozes off, don’t take it as a sign of boredom, but rather, that your lovin’ is the ultimate stress-release!

    There are benefits to having sex on your period
    Squeamish about sex during that time of the month? Don’t be. When you climax, your uterus contracts, which can result in an immediate heavier flow, but then a shorter period since more of the blood and uterine lining have been shed.
    But even if it doesn’t mean you get to buy a smaller box of tampons, “orgasms are a great way to relieve menstrual cramps,” says Levine.

    Being on the pill can dull some women’s libidos
    The Pill once meant sexual freedom for women but nowadays more studies show that the suppression of ovulation, along with hormonal changes can actually dampen desire in some women. “Sometimes it’s a matter of changing brands,” says Levine.
    “Or, going off the Pill altogether and trying another birth control method. Talk with your doctor to suss out your options,” she says.

    It’s normal for women to have submissive fantasies
    If you dream of your boss taking you on the conference table (while you’re dressed up as a naughty secretary) you’re not alone.
    “Studies have shown that over 50 percent of women fantasize about being taken,” says Britton.
    Even the most powerful women may enjoy the submissive role during sex. “This might include being tied up or even forced into sex,” she says. Remember, fantasy and reality are two different realms and acknowledging these thoughts can actually be empowering.

    When Friends become Acquaintances

    When Friends become Acquaintances

    I remember my first day at school like it was yesterday, and believe me it was AGES ago. I remember going into a classroom full of strangers; people I've never seen before.

    I remember how my braid was tightly pulling on that head of mine and I remember how the class teacher smiled at us so gracefully, anxious to give her first lesson of the day.

    I remember sitting next to a girl called Zara; a curly-head devil that I knew would be my best friend for life. I also remember the first sentence Zara uttered “Hi; I'm Zara, could we be friends”.

    I smiled, happy of course that some girl from New Zealand wanted to be friends with me without knowing who I was or where I came from. Life was fun with Zara, we bought similar outfits, we got the same haircut and style, our laughter could be heard all across hallways, and Fridays were sanctuary.

    She never got pissed at me for not calling her before I went out, and whenever we drifted apart, we’d always pick up right where we left off. As I grew up, moved to another country, and lost complete contact with Zara, I realized something.

    I realized that as soon as I stepped into my 20s, I stepped out of “friendship”. People became acquaintances rather than true friends; rather than people who can’t wait to see you on Friday to play “doctor”.

    They became “feeders”, feeding off every piece of gossip or information you have. They became people you see every day, rather than people you WANT to truly see every day.
    They grew on me like fungus (not that I have fungus growing on me, no!).

    They most definitely became people I just know and very few of them were people that would stand by me when bad things happened. It’s not that I hate my friends, it’s not like I'm alienating everyone around me, I just miss true friendship.

    Child-like friendship; people who cry when I cry, people who laugh to tears at my jokes, and people who will tell me my hair sucks when I'm having a bad hair day. These are our treasures; not money, not fame, but family and friends- who are chosen family.

    As we go through life we lose track; track of people, track of time, and track as in path … Never let anyone or anything take you away from your friends; never let your friends become acquaintances, and never forget what it was like to be that little girl in braids holding hands with that curly-haired devil!


    How to have a good relationship with your mother-in-law

    How to have a good relationship with your mother-in-law

    When you become serious with a boyfriend, you’re not just getting into a relationship with him. You’re also going to become part of his family, which means spending time with his mother. Everyone’s heard the mother-in-law horror stories and for many women, it can be a difficult ride. But even if yours had been causing you grief, you can still turn it around and develop a happier relationship.

    Meet up with her alone
    Just because she’s not your blood relation, doesn’t mean you can’t make a real effort to get to know her. If you’re keen to make a good impression why not suggest afternoon tea or a pub lunch? Without the influence of her son she’ll be able to gain a better insight into what makes you tick, which is the perfect grounds for establishing a great relationship.

    Don’t get involved in family rows
    Even though you’re officially part of the family, your mother-in-law might not see it that way. Try to stay out of other rows or disagreements that may be going on. Even if you have strong opinions and your partner is actively getting involved, chances are his mum won’t thank you for your opinion. If you need to vent, call your own friend and family to chat things over.

    Encourage mother son time
    For some mother-in-laws and wives, a difficult relationship stems from jealousy. All of a sudden the apple of her eye has a new woman in his life and she no longer takes centre stage. If your man is a bit of a mummy’s boy, you’ll need to accept this and encourage their relationship (within reason.) Make sure your mother-in-law knows.

    Learn not to rise to the bite
    It’s not uncommon for mother-in-laws to nag and pick at you as though she was your real mother. If your relationship isn’t exactly rosy, it’s likely she’ll learn how to push your buttons pretty quickly. In this situation you need to learn to rise above any petty behaviour on her part and be the bigger person. Chances are she’ll stop doing it all together once she sees she can’t get to you.

    Define boundaries
    When Sex and the City’s Charlotte started getting hassle from her mother-in-law Bunny, there was only one thing for it; laying the ground rules. If you have your own family, you need to put them first. Your mother-in-law needs to appreciate that she can’t always drop in unexpectedly. If your partner isn’t willing to address the situation, gently tell her you have plans next time she turns up out of the blue. That way she’ll know to arrange things in advance in future.

    Kamis, 21 Februari 2013


    Baik di posting kali ini saya akan mereview beberapa puisi cinta yang sangat romantis, dan semoga bisa meluluhkan hati anda yang lagi galau sob.hehehe selamat membaca :


    Pada Kamu
    oleh: Andri Rusly

    Aku melihat suara lewat matamu
    Saat bibirmu tertutup rapat
    Tapi jelas membuatku makin
    menatapmu bersama degup jantungku
    yang tak pernah menentu…

    Apa pernah kamu mendengar cinta
    yang tak bersuara meneriakkan
    manisnya kesedihan ?
    itulah aku yang ada di kamu
    pada sebilah cinta
    yang tlah menggores hati
    sedalam dalamnya …

    Aku melihat suara lewat senyummu
    saat matamu terjemahkan rindu
    hmm…aku kian terpesona pada indahnya
    pada cantiknya

    Aku melihat suara setiap saat
    lewat segalamu
    tentang kamu


    'Puisi Cinta'
    oleh Dhea Permata Resky

    Kala malam turun ke bumi
    Angin sepoi menyapa hatiku
    Khayalku menggantung dipenghujung asaku
    Adakah engkau tau keinginan yang mengebu
    Akan isi hatiku
    Daun-daun melayang tinggi
    Membisikam puisi cintaku
    Akankah kamu menerimanya
    Hatiku hanya untukmu
    Hanya engkau pujaan hatiku
    Aku cinta padamu
    Kan kusyairkan puisi cintaku
    Hanya untukmu


    Oleh : Meirul Chasanah

    Disudut ruang kosong
    Kau disana dan aku disini
    Saling jauh hingga terasa
    Kau lebih asik denganya
    Aku sakit menatapnya
    Kau tenggelam disuasana gembira
    Ku tenggelam bersama lara
    Ku nikmati semua dengan suka cita
    Walau dihati rasanya nelangsa

    Teruskanlah, sakiti aku
    Ku tau kau sengaja itu
    Namun, ku tak bisa membencimu
    Karena kau buka milikku
    Karna kau milik temanku
    Sampai kapan saja kau pelangiku
    Beri warna hidupku
    Melukis idah dihatiku
    Walau kau tak pernah ku miliki
    Tapi yakin hanya satu dihati ini

    Sang Pujaan Hati
    Puisi Cinta karya AMEL’S

    Kupuas kan diri
    Untuk hidup yang lebih berarti
    Takkan pernah ku sesali
    Hanya demi sang pujaan hati

    Kau lukai, kau sakiti
    Kau dustai dan kau khianati
    Seakan hidup ini lengkap
    Dengan duri-duri penuh api

    Aku ingin air menyirami taman hati ini
    Yang slalu diidam-idamkan selama ini
    Aku ingin mengisi dengan kupu-kupu & dan kumbang surgawi
    Yang pasti akan menentramkan jiwa & hati

    Disaat mentari ku tersenyum penuh arti
    Dan disaat mentari terbenam…
    Ku menanti sang pujaan hati Yang kan kembali ketaman hati ini.

    Dulu kau berjanji kepadaku
    untuk selalu di samping ku
    saat senang maupun duka.

    Dulu kau benrjanji kepada ku
    untuk selalu menjaga ku
    dalam panasnya siang dan gelapnya malam

    Kini itu semua hanya tinggal janji
    yang tak dapat lagi kau buktikan

    Sore itu
    ku lihat kau tersenyum kepada ku
    hatiku bahagia

    Ternyata itu adalah senyum terakhirmu buat ku
    senyum yang tak dapat ku lupakan

    Pagi itu
    ku buka handphone ku
    ku baca sms yang masuk di handphone ku

    Ternyata itu hanya sebuah pesan yang membuatku amat sedih
    hingga kau pergi meninggalkan ku untuk selamanya
    kemana lagi kan ku cari orang sepertimu
    yang selalu sayang dan menerimaku apa adanya??

    Aku ingin kau kembali di hidupku
    aku rindu kamu
    aku ingin bersamamu
    aku ingin kamuuu

    ya allah berikanlah ku kesabaran dan keiklhasan unuk menerima kenyataan ini
    bahwa dia telah tiada..

    karya : Eka Putri A.

    Ya ALLAH..
    Izinkan aku bersamanya
    Memiliki jiwa dan raganya
    Hingga ajal memisahkan aku dan dia

    Ya Allah..
    hanya sekuntum doa yg ku punya
    Untuk kebahagiaan cintaku padanya
    Ku persembahkan hanya untuknya

    Ya Allah..
    Izinkan aku memiliki cinta seutuhnya
    Hingga takdirMU
    Datang menjemput nyawaku.

    “Cinta Yang Agung”

    Adalah ketika kamu menitikkan air mata
    dan masih peduli terhadapnya..
    Adalah ketika dia tidak mempedulikanmu dan kamu masih
    menunggunya dengan setia..

    Adalah ketika dia mulai mencintai orang lain
    dan kamu masih bisa tersenyum sembari berkata ‘Aku
    turut berbahagia untukmu..

    Apabila cinta tidak berhasil
    …Bebaskan dirimu…
    Biarkan hatimu kembali melebarkan sayapnya
    dan terbang ke alam bebas lagi..
    Ingatlah…bahwa kamu mungkin menemukan cinta dan

    Tapi..ketika cinta itu mati..
    kamu tidak perlu mati bersamanya

    Orang terkuat BUKAN mereka yang selalu
    menang..MELAINKAN mereka yang tetap tegar ketika
    mereka jatuh..

    “Cinta Suciku”

    Cintaku kepadamu adalah yang paling kuat
    dan kamu telah mengetahui apa yang kamu rasakan
    semua orang melihat kebawah untukku
    tetapi aku tidak peduli apa yang mereka bilang
    dan aku ingin memberitahu semuanya
    kamu adalah milikku

    Aku ingin menjadi bahagia selamanya
    bersama kamu yang paling aku cinta
    Suatu saat kamu pasti pergi
    namun sebelum kepergian itu
    kita selalu bersama meraih mimpi yang inda
    cinta kita kuat dan sampai kapanpun
    aku akan tetap mencintaimu
    sampai akhir hayat memisahkan kita



    Kau tak harus katakan sepatah kata
    Kau pun tak harus berbicara
    Ku dapat melihat luka di matamu
    Kesengsaraan yang kau simpan

    Kau pikir tiada orang yang memperhatikan
    Kesedihan yang kau sembunyikan
    Tapi aku bisa melihat dengan jelas dari topengmu
    Malam-malam sunyi sepi yang kau tangisi

    Ku tahu kau seolah tersenyum untuk kepedihan
    Saat jiwamu sekarat sendirian
    Tertawa, bercanda sementara
    Ku lihat betapa berat kau coba

    Dan saat kau berbaring di atas tempat tidurmu
    Setiap malam yang sunyi sepi
    Ku tahu kau berjuang tuk tak menangis
    Atau menyerah dengan pertarunganmu ini

    Seluruh waktu saat kau sebut dalam mimpimu
    Ku dengar satu persatu
    Kau ingin temukan tempat terindah
    tempat yang kau miliki

    “Cinta adalah misteri”

    Kamu tidak dapat menemukan seseorang yang sempurna.
    Tidak ada hal seperti Cinta pada pandangan pertama,
    Kamu akan membuat pilihan yang tepat dan kesalahan besar.
    Kamu akan pergi melalui neraka dan surga dengan seseorang
    Tidak ada kehidupan cinta yang sempurna.
    Kamu akan selalu memiliki masalah
    dan beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa kehidupan cinta atau pernikahan yang sempurna.
    Yah mereka mungkin berpikir bahwa sekarang,
    tapi menunggu ketika sesuatu yang buruk terjadi
    mereka mungkin berpikir atau mengatakan sesuatu yang dekat dengan Cinta adalah misteri


    Memiliki pacar adalah sebuah anugerah yang terindah dari Tuhan. Pacar bisa menjadi calon pendamping kita dan tempat kita berbagi beragam aktivitas dan saling tukar pikiran. Pacar yang romantis pasti akan didambakan oleh banyak orang.

    Akan tetapi, menjadi pacar romantis tidak bisa dilakukan oleh semua orang. Hal ini tergantung kepada tipikal pribadi masing-masing. Akan tetapi, setiap orang diciptakan Tuhan dengan menyukai Romantisme dalam hubungan.

    ilustrasi: Puisi Pacar Romantis
    Kata para ahli, sifat romantisme tersebut bisa dipupuk dan dikembangkan dalam diri orang. Misalnya saja anda saat ini mengaku tidak romantis, jadi sifat romantis dalam diri anda bisa dikembangkan dengan beragam latihan. Misalnya saja dengan mengucapkan selamat malam, selamat ulang tahun, memberikan perhatian lebih dan salah satu yang bisa melatih romantisme tersebut adalah dengan menuliskan dan memberikan puisi cinta kepada pacar.

    Silahkan saja lihat contoh puisi pacar romantis dibawah ini:

    Kau Sumber Inspirasiku
    Melangkah sendiri dengan pikiran sederhana,
    Membuatku memaknai setiap hadirmu,
    Wujudmu memang saat ini tidak bersamaku,
    Bayang dirimu seakan menghentakkan jantung
    dan Hatiku,
    Kau memang sumber inspirasiku,
    Saat segala pikiran sudah membuncah berontak,
    Hadir senyummu membuatku berpikir ganda,
    Indah terasa damai dijiwa,

    Cinta Sejati
    Cinta sejati bukan berarti harus memiliki…
    Tapi merelakan orang yang kita cintai bahagia walau pun dengan orang lain
    Itu adalah cinta sejati
    Cinta sejati bukan dilihat dari materi…
    Tapi cinta sejati datang dari kata hati
    Apakah kita bisa mencintai dan menerima apa adanya walau dia hanya sebatang kara
    Cinta sejati bukanlah sebuah pembodohan…
    Bagi orang – orang yang bisa mengerti
    Apa arti cinta yang sebenarnya
    Cinta adalah sebuah kebodohan…
    Bagi orang-orang yang salah mengartikan
    Apa itu cinta
    Cinta sejati adalah untaian kata yang bisa membuat hati kita merasa bahagia dan di hargai
    oleh seseorang yang mencintai kita…
    Jangan pernah mengorbankan cinta demi harta….
    Cinta itu akan lebih berarti bila kita menjalani nya dengan hati dan perasaan yang sempurna…
    By : Andi

    Kau Abadi di Hati
    satu nama
    terlukis satu nama di hatiku
    tertatap tentang cinta di hariku
    senantiasa memberikan kebahagiaan
    tentang mu di hatiku
    ucapan nama terindah
    dalam hal kecil tentang kata rindu
    kirana lagu pemilik hati
    semua hanya satu yaitu dirimu
    Nah, itulah contoh puisi cinta pacar romantis yang bisa anda berikan kepada pacar tersayang. Jika anda merasa puisi romantis diatas kurang, ada baiknya anda mencoba menulis puisi yang akan membuat anda semakin romantis juga. Want to try? :)


    Kehamilan merupakan sebuah kado istimewa yang sangat besar dari Allah untuk pasangan suami isteri. Do'a dan harapan untuk segera memiliki keturunan dalam kelahiran bayi setelah kehamilan sungguh sangat mengharukan.

    Proses kehamilan ini disebagian pasangan tidak selalu didapat secara mudah. Banyak proses yang dibutuhkan agar wanita atau istri segera mengalami kehamilan; andaikan saja dengan berobat kedokter maupun dengan terapi khusus kehamilan.

    Ciri Hamil

    Proses terapi khusus dokter kandungan segera dilakukan dan dijalankan dengan baik. Hingga pada akhirnya berharap tanda-tanda hamil segera ada pada istri tersayang. Mungkin pada umumnya kita sudah tahu cara mengetahui hamil atau tidak. Biasanya orang menggunakan test pack sebagai alat untuk mengetahui hamil atau tidak.

    Akan tetapi, tidak sedikit juga orang mengatakan bahwa hasil test pack tidak selalu benar. Ada kalanya hasil test pack salah dengan kenyataan yang terjadi ditubuh wanita.

    Nah, untuk menambah referensi anda untuk mengetahui ciri-ciri hamil, anda bisa melihat beberapa tanda wanita hamil dibawah ini:

    1. Payudara Membengkak dan Empuk
    Salah satu tanda kehamilan adalah payudara menjadi sensitif dan sedikit sakit akibat meningkatnya kadar hormon. Rasa sakit yang dialami biasanya lebih sakit dibandingkan saat mengalami menstruasi. Ketidaknyaman ini akan berkurang secara signifikan setelah trimester pertama karena tubuh sudah bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan hormon.

    2. Cepat Merasa Lelah
    Orang yang hamil di trimester pertama seringkali merasa lelah secara tiba-tiba, mungkin diakibatkan oleh meningkatnya kadar hormon progesteron secara cepat. Tapi perempuan hamil akan merasa lebih energik setelah mencapai trimester kedua.

    3. Ada Sedikit Pendarahan
    Beberapa perempuan mengalami sedikit pendarahan di vagina sekitar 11-12 hari setelah berhubungan. Pendarahan ini disebabkan oleh sel telur yang dibuahi memasuki lapisan rahim. Pendarahan yang terjadi sangat ringan seperti muncul sebagai bercak darah, merah muda atau hanya bercak noda berwarna coklat kemerahan.

    4. Mengalami Mual dan Muntah

    Ciri/Tanda Hamil: Mual dan Muntah
    Perempuan yang mengalami mual dan muntah di pagi hari biasanya dialami setelah 1 bulan melakukan hubungan suami istri. Tapi bagi perempuan yang hamil rasa mual dan muntah ini tidak hanya terjadi di pagi hari tapi juga masalah di siang dan malam hari.

    5. Meningkatnya Kepekaan Terhadap Bau-Bauan
    Terkadang perempuan hamil merasa jijik dengan bau tertentu seperti kopi, parfum atau bau makanan yang sebelumnya sangat disenangi oleh perempuan tersebut. Reaksi ini dapat memicu refleks muntah.

    6. Perut Kembung
    Perubahan hormon yang terjadi saat awal kehamilan dapat membuat perut seseorang terasa kembung, mirip seperti saat perempuan sebelum periode menstruasinya datang.

    7. Sering Buang Air Kecil
    Perempuan hamil sering buang air kecil sepanjang waktu, karena jumlah darah dan cairan selama hamil meningkat sehingga mengakibatkan adanya cairan tambahan yang diproses oleh ginjal dan kandung kemih.

    8. Telatnya Jadwal Menstruasi
    Jika periode menstruasinya teratur, maka seseorang akan melakukan tes kehamilan sebelum tanda yang lain muncul. Tapi jika periodenya tidak teratur, maka salah satu gejala di atas bisa menjadi petunjuk bahwa Anda akan telat mendapatkan periode menstruasi.

    9. Suhu Basal Tubuh Tetap Tinggi
    Suhu basal tubuh adalah suhu yang diukur pada pagi hari saat masih di tempat tidur dan belum melakukan kegiatan apapun. Untuk mengukurnya bisa menggunakan termometer yang diletakkan di bawah lidah. Jika suhu basal tubuh tetap tinggi selama 18 hari berturut-turut ada kemungkinan Anda hamil.

    10. Menggunakan Tes Kehamilan
    Salah satu tanda kehamilan yang bisa dibilang akurat adalah dengan menggunakan alat tes kehamilan. Penggunaan alat tes kehamilan paling baik sekitar 1 minggu setelah telat mendapatkan menstruasi. Jika tanda-tanda diatas tetap ada tapi hasilnya negatif, cobalah untuk mengulanginya lagi beberapa hari kemudian.

    Nah, itulah beberapa tanda hamil atau ciri orang hamil yang dipercaya menjadi salah satu faktor benar-tidaknya seseorang hamil atau tidak. Selain tetap berdoa kepada Tuhan, silahkan juga mengkonsumsi makanan bergizi jika anda ingin  hamil sesegera mungkin.